"Farmen" – You have to enter Farmen Farm: – 17 production phones


The traditional belief will be that the remaining participants of the "Farmen" of the year will be more and more competitive when four new faces will arrive on the television site at mid-season.

In the coming week, new entrants, better known as "Farmen", will have to fight to become full participants. The challengers appear in the TV room the following Monday and half of the stay will be short-lived.

According to the concept of the concept of television, only two of them can join the group. Whoever gets is at the decision of the initial participants.

Here are the four selected "Farmen" challengers of the year:

Anneli Guttorm (45)

Living: Tromsø
From: Nesseby, in eastern Finnmark
Marital status: girlfriend, has two children aged 14 and 22
Occupation: Advisor and coach in alternative medicine, reindeer breeder during the winter months, Sami artist.
Interests: Magedans, Sami music and reindeer husbandry.

WANT IN: Anneli Guttormsen tells Dagbladet that her big heart can be an advantage in the competition. Photo: Alex Iversen / TV 2
WANT IN: Anneli Guttormsen tells Dagbladet that her big heart can be an advantage in the competition. Photo: Alex Iversen / TV 2
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Finnmarkingen Anneli Guttorm (45) has been registered by her boyfriend and should be among the first participants of the season. On the other hand, for family reasons, she had to stay home and enforce as a challenger.

"I received 17 production phones because they would like to bring in. They have been looking for people with special abilities this year," she says.

Aged 45, he claims to have "special abilities" and is described as a "shaman" by the inhabitants of his community. Guttorm is intelligent and soothing and participated in the TV reality series "Hunt for the 6th Sense" on TVNorge in 2011. In Finnmark, she has her own company.

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She believes that all her contacts with people can be a benefit to the farm. In addition, she has a lot of experience with animals since she works at reindeer herding during the winter months.

"I have a big heart and I am very honest, it's important to be kind to each other," she says, and continues:

"Regarding the weaknesses, I have celiac disease and therefore do not tolerate all the food it contains." This can be problematic, she says.

Håkan Pettersson (54)

Live: Eidsvoll
From: Borås in Sweden
Relationship status: Girlfriend, has four children at 31, 29, 27 and 14 years old
Occupation: independent, builder
Interests: Wilderness and Carpentry

Swedish challenger Håkan Pettersson (54) was in fact registered last year, but did not register. When he was informed that he was welcome as a challenger this year, he jumped on the opportunity.

RUTINERT: Håkan Petterson has worked in the construction industry for many years, which can definitely be a decisive advantage for a farm. Photo: Alex Iversen / TV 2
experience: Håkan Petterson has worked in the construction industry for many years, which can definitely be a great benefit for a farm. Photo: Alex Iversen / TV 2
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"You can say that I've been chased by the head and that's fun.Many of my friends have always said that I found such a concept and I took them to the command.Even I I have not seen the "Farmen" since Gaute Grøtta Grav won in 2001, he says.

Pettersson thinks that he can become a great resource on the farm. He himself was born and raised on a farm and worked as a forest worker and carpenter all his life. It also restores old buildings and therefore has experience of some of the tools used. Not all other participants have.

"I was completely shocked when I saw others.Here I come with the hope of meeting qualified people, and I am greeted by praise bloggers, etc. One could say that I am I was surprised, he said.

Karianne Amundsen (27)

Live: Oslo
From: Oslo
Status of the relationship: single
Profession: artist
Centers of Interest: Driver with music and "lives closest to the fitness center"

GOOD TRENT: Karianne Amundsen had already weighed 120 kilos, but after intense training, she dropped. The new force thinks that she can be an asset in the court. Photo: Alex Iversen / TV 2
GOOD TRENT: Karianne Amundsen had already weighed 120 kilograms, but after intense training, she dropped. The new force thinks that she can be an asset in the court. Photo: Alex Iversen / TV 2
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"Previously, I had weighed 120 pounds and I dared not empty my head at all.I wanted to participate in something like the Farmen, but that 's only when I' ve lost weight that I dared to register, said Karianne Amundsen (27 years old) in Dagbladet.

"Have I also managed to live on a farm?", She added.

With intensive training, she managed to lose weight, and at one point with a bikini witness. Then she weighed about 60 kilograms, now she has reached a normal weight and is satisfied. She is physically strong and thinks that this could be one of the biggest benefits of her participation. Like Guttorm, she has a good experience with animals.

"I grew up with horses, so I know how to handle animals, but one of my weaknesses is that I am hypersensitive and can quickly absorb a lot of emotion. this way presents some challenges, she says.

Thomas Einarson Fjelde (31)

Living: Jørpeland in Rogaland
From Tau to Rogaland
Marital status: married, father of four children aged 11, 8, 6 and 1 year
Profession: Carpenter
Interests: motorcycle, fishing, family and football

"I signed up to win these things, so it was good for my wife to be me, she did not help me, Thomas Einarson Fjelde (31) flew away.

PRAGMATIC: Thomas Einarson Fjelde says he has good experience with animals and construction, but plans to hide it from other participants. Photo: Alex Iversen / TV 2
pragmatic: Thomas Einarson Fjelde says he has good experience with animals and construction, but plans to hide it from other participants. Photo: Alex Iversen / TV 2
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He has worked with "sheep, cows, chickens and all that is" and is therefore quite ready to eventually keep animals in the yard. According to him, his biggest weakness is that he likes sugar too much, while his greatest strength is his psyche.

– Everything can be solved. I really did not think it would bother me in the face of fierce challenges on my part. My strategy was to seem less competent than I really was, but now we can see … I'm a carpenter, so there's a limit to how long you can keep such a secret, "he says.

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