Farmers and Small Farmers & Team: Renegotiating Agricultural Regulation


The worst summer of drought since 1947 is affecting farmers in southern Norway and, as recently as last Friday, the Norwegian Association of Farmers and Small Farmers and the Norwegian Bond team met for a meeting on the situation.

Although Furuberg thinks it may be necessary to renegotiate some parts of the farming colony, she does not want to get into what she thinks we need to discuss

– We have to come back. We must have all the agricultural industry on this. In an emergency situation, I am sure we will do it, "said Furuberg to Dagsavisen

Furuberg believes that the food crisis requires a national virtue and proposes, inter alia, complete stops in the country. import of meat.

– We must be able to call it except situation. Therefore, we should stop importing meat for a period of time. This diligence must be both the food chains and the authorities that make decisions on imports, "said Furuberg.

There were several crisis meetings on the precarious food situation last week and it was agreed

The head of the Norwegian Confederation, Lars Petter Barnes, will not comment on whether a renegotiation of the agricultural agreement may be necessary and declare that they are complying with the rules. agricultural agreement adopted last year

In May, the two peasant organizations for the first time under the Solberg government agreement with the state on a new agricultural agreement.

( © NTB)

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