Finnmark county coordinator is critical of the new electoral order – NRK Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country


The government has set up an electoral law committee to examine, among other things, the question of the number of electoral districts. If the Finnmarks are unlucky, they will stand in front of the parliament after the election of seven, writes Klassekampen.

Folklore or region?

According to the newspaper, Frp states that there is a population and no area, which will determine the representation of constituencies.

The right-wing representatives have already criticized the region being counted so much. For example, last year 7783 Finnmark voters were behind every warrant, while Vestfold was 19,990.

Today Finnmark has four district warrants and a smoothing mandate, but how many places they want after the merger are uncertain.

– It is one of the arguments not to get along with Troms. Finnmark's votes become less clear and may be completely absent from the Storting. Nobody knows. Maybe there will be more Finnmark too. But the maths are like the fact that if Troms votes, we will get worse, "says Vassvik at Klassekampen.

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