Finnmark despairs: May lose all parliamentary representatives


Ragnhild Vassvik (AP), rapporteur of the Finnmark County Council, fears that a new electoral system in Norway will bring down Storting County.

The government has set up an electoral committee to investigate the number of electoral districts. If Finnmark is unlucky, they will stand in parliament after the elections in seven years, writes Klassekampen.

According to the newspaper, Frp states that Frp in its program states that it is the population and not the area that will determine constituency representation. The right-wing representatives have already criticized the fact that the region counted so much. For example, there were 7,783 Finnmark voters behind each term, while in Vestfold, the figure was 19,990.

Today, Finnmark has four district mandates and one term of office. smoothing, but the number of places desired after the merger is uncertain

. is one of the arguments for not getting along with Troms. Finnmark's votes become less clear and may be completely absent from the Storting. Nobody knows. Maybe there will be more Finnmark too. But the math is such that if the Troms vote, we will get worse, "says Vassvik at Klassekampen

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