At 11:20 pm, emergency services turned out to be a fire in a Frevar building in Fredrikstad. Police report a fire in garbage cans and cardboard boxes
– It burns inside a building recycling at Østfold with a lot of garbage ", Chief Jan Karlsen told NRK
and that it is burning heavily.
– The experiment will take a long time to 39, extinguish.It is a lot of waste that is displaced, he says.
The fire has caused smoke in the area.The direction of the wind directs the smoke towards the city center of Fredrikstad and the police asked the residents to close the windows and close the gates
The building is steel and according to Karlsen, there is no risk of collision.] were require = {paths: {jquery : "common / bw / jquery / dist / jquery.min", asynchronous: "common / js / lib / requirejs / plugins / async / async", the signals: "common / js / lib / signals", momen t: "common / js / lib / moment / moment", unispring: "common / js / lib / scores / unispring", comscore: "https://static.nrk.no/comscore/latest/comscore .mon" text : "common / charmille / requirejs-text / text" facebook: "//" connect.facebook.net/nb_NO/all",instagram:"//platform.instagram.com/en_US/embeds twitter: "// platform. twitter.com/widgets",Pusher:"//js.pusher.com/3.0/pusher.min"},shim:{Tinycon:{exports:"Tinycon"},Pusher:{exports "Pusher"}, JSON: {EXPORT "JSON"}, vkbeautify: {EXPORT "vkbeautify"}, facebook: {EXPORT "FB"}, unispring: {EXPORT "unispring"}} wait a few seconds: 15 MAP: {"*": {PubSub: " online standard: / common js / lib / PubSub "" Serum.Pubsub ":" online standard: / common js / lib / Serum.Pubsub "" Serum.Plugin ":" standard online: type / plugin / serum .Plugin "" Serum.Profile ":" online standard: / common js / lib / Serum.Profile "" Serum.Asset.Img ":" online standard: common / module / active / Serum.Asset. img "" Serum.Date ":" Online Standard: Common / Module / Date / Serum.Date "" Serum.ScrollTrigger ":" Online Standard :! / common js / lib / Serum.ScrollTrigger "}}};
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/ * PUB-12597
* Load scripts from other domains with the crossorigin attribute
* set, so that JS error reports improve.
* Nude, town være for enkelt hvis debt var mulig for all manuscripts,
* So naturally there is an exception list.
* /
require.onNodeCreated = function (node, config, moduleName, url) {
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