First confirmed image of the newborn planet


Here is a planet about to form in the dust disk around a young star. This is the first time that astronomers have been able to confirm such a pattern.

The planet ("PDS 70b") is seen as a bright spot to the right of the black circle in the middle of the image. The planet is about three billion kilometers from the star, similar to the distance between the Sun and Uranus.

The observation shows how the planet travels the plate of gas and dust around the dwarf star PDS 70.

According to Miriam Keppler, the leader of the group who found the birthplace planets, so far only a few observations have given indications about these baby planets

– But the planetary candidates we saw up to here could also have structures in the trash cans. She is considered the first safe observation, she says.

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of a planet in formation. It is located around the dwarf star PDS 70. The planet is visible as a bright spot to the right of the center of the image. The star is covered by the coronal mask used to block the light that would otherwise blend into the planet. Source: ESO / A. Müller and others

The first clear picture of a planet in formation. It is located around the dwarf star PDS 70. The planet is visible as a bright spot to the right of the center of the image. The star is covered by the coronal mask used to block the light that would otherwise blend into the planet. Source: ESO / A. Müller and others

This colorful image shows the sky around the light orange dwarf star PDS 70 (in the middle of the image). The light blue star on the right is χ Centauri. Source: ESO / Digitized Sky Survey 2 / Davide Martin

This colorful image shows the sky around the light orange dwarf star PDS 70 (in the middle of the image). The light blue star on the right is χ Centauri. Source: ESO / Digitized Survey on the Sky 2 / Davide Martin

Giant Glovarm

The analysis shows that the newly discovered planet is a giant, sometimes much larger than Jupiter, writes the European Southern Observatory (ESO) in a press release

The surface of the planet has a temperature of about 1000 ° C, hotter than any other solar plane

] The telescopes of Chile's Paranal Observatory also measured the brightness of the planet.

Preliminary data indicate that the planet has clouds.

Also read: ESA: – The largest map of the world on our galaxy

– Better understand the development of the planet

The dark circle in the middle of the world. image comes from a mask that the telescope uses to block the light of the star. This helps to detect the light dust disc and the planet despite the stronger star light.

– The results provide a glimpse of the complex early stages and so far little understood of planetary development, "says Andre Müller, head of another group of astronomers.

-We needed such a reliable observation to truly understand the process of planetary formation.

The SPHERE instrument of the Very Large Telescope in Chile studies exoplanets and dust sheets around neighboring stars.

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This graphic shows the southern constellation of the Centena, showing most stars visible to the naked eye of a clear dark night in this region. The dwarf star PDS 70 is marked with a red circle. Source: ESO, IAU, Sky & Telescope

This graphic shows the southern constellation Centena, showing most of the stars visible to the naked eye of a clear and dark night in this region. The dwarf star PDS 70 is marked with a red circle. Source: ESO, IAU, Sky & Telescope

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