For a Friday it will be: Kjartan Lauritzen returns to the Utkant Festival!


Lauritzen, of Balestrand, hosts one of the biggest names in the festival poster this year. Festivalschef Viggo Randal is eager to see the concentration on Utkant-scena for another gong in two years

– He has become a phenomenon throughout Norway and the rest of Norway. He is the new apple of the village similar to a strand, the victory Randal, to the newspaper Nordhordland.

And the popularity of Lauritzen will not end up taking. He reached the full spring of 2017 with the song Friday, which has 5.5 million pieces on Spotify. He has and knows songs like Nyte D, Havana and the phenomenon.

In 2017, there was a complete cook at Utkant when Lauritzen came to scena, Randal expecting the same thing this year

– It's a very nice atmosphere with Kjartan is the bigger than we had Olav Stedje and I wandering together in the 80s, Randal wins.

– People can send an SMS and sung, and those who are older, and it's fun, it wins.

The Nordhordland newspaper has been trying to get Lauritzen talking in the past two weeks, but that's not a problem. But in 2017, he told the Nordhordland newspaper that what he had experienced was rather unpleasant.

– One has the impression that one is in constant growth. When something happened, I did not think about it sooner, but sick and sick things happened. It never happens, he said.

The outgoing boss goes and hopes for the next two weeks – He may be given the millionth income festival

  Kjartan Lauritzen at Utkant 2017.

Kjartan Lauritzen at Utkant 2017.

The real name of Kjartan Lauritzen is the owner of Per Aki Sigurdsson Kvikne and comes from Balestrand. He was perceived as a rap when he invited Bergen, but moved to Oslo

The Fridays at Utkant are all good for himself, and this year Kvelertak plays with his new singer Ivar Nikolaisen before Kjartan Lauritzen before Badane does not finish the evening. . Thulsa Doom, Slotface, Electric Eye and Darling West are on stage at what is known as Rock Friday

Kvelertak is no singer – still plays at Utkantfestivalen

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