Foreigners Invest – We Depend


Foreign companies have already invested in Norwegian wind energy recently, writes Sysla.

Foreign companies are already in the Norwegian wind energy with investments of about 20 billion, an investigation on the Bergens Tidende, Stavanger Aftenblad and

According to BT, giants like Google, Blackrock and the large bank Credit Suisse see great potential in Norwegian wind energy and pursue profitable projects.

Øyulf Hjertenes, editor-in-chief of Bergens Tidende, thinks that Norwegians are afraid

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– Wind energy is controversial in Norway. It's about the violent interventions that this is going to cause. It is about building 180-meter-high turbines, which will be built hundreds along the Norwegian coast. And in a country that will sell tourism, which will take care of the lives of animals and birds, and will not make too many roads in vulnerable places, says Hjertenes in Sysla.

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Thina Saltvedt, an analyst at Nordea Markets, believes that Norwegian companies fear that the name of the brand could hinder potentially controversial investments.

– The name of the brand could crack and I think it's bigger It believes that international investors have changed attitude in recent years

– Norway has an advantage to produce green energy. There is no doubt that we are now seeing a trend that manufacturers want green energy, simply because customers and investors are beginning to demand it to a different degree of energy. only two years ago, Saltvedt told Sysla

. The case was first published on

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