Forest fires south of Kongsberg under control


The three firefighter helicopters that participated in the massacre Monday night are over there, reports Vestviken 110 on Twitter. There are about 50 targets that burned.

– The Department of Fire and Civil Defense will extinguish the fire during the night and the Fire Department and the police unleashed a fire in the Grosvold Territory, northeast of Skollenborg around 6 pm Monday evening .


It all started with a campfire in Grosvoldkroken, which turned into larger forest fires, Afterposten Deputy Chief Jan Robin Herregaarden of the Fire Department said in a statement. Kongsberg Relief Station

. to protect the surrounding area. But the strong winds in the area caused the fire of sparks.

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The local fire department with the help of a Drammen Fire Department tanker, the industrial protection of the technology park, the Civil Protection, the Police and a forest fire brigade were transformed into a swing.

The head of the operation, Jan Kristian Johnsrud, in the Southeast Police District, said Monday night at NTB that it was the man who owned the cabin that l & # 39; He had reported

– He was right next door. There was no one inside when the fire broke out, said the director of operations.

(© NTB)

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