Former Fisheries Minister Jan Henry T. Olsen is dead


– It is sad to announce that my dear Jan Henry and I left early this morning – sad for us, but the family agrees that it is a relief to him that he was finally given the peace of all the plagues that the disease caused he wrote his wife, Laila Lanes, on Facebook

Olsen was governor of Troms County from 1991 to 1992. He was then secretary of fisheries from 1992 to 1996 in the third government of Gro Harlem Brundtland.

In recent years, he has suffered from dementia and talked about it in the book "Hurry to Love," written by his wife, Laila Lanes.

– Hedersmann

As fisheries minister, Jan Henry T. Olsen led the fisheries agreement with the EU prior to the 1994 referendum, and he was nicknamed "No Fish Olsen" .

Olsen's former chief of government, Gro Harlem Brundtland, describes him as an outstanding representative of his county and part of his country, which has been respected at home and abroad.

– He was a good friend and a good colleague for all those who taught him to know and appreciate his creativity, his spirit of initiative and his contagious mood. We all have a lot to thank him for and we will remember him as his gentleman, "she told Nettavisen through his advisor Jon Mørland

– Gentle

Jonas Gahr Støre, leader AP, collaborates closely with Olsen at the time when the latter was Minister of Fisheries, and describes a skillful politician who defended Norwegian interests

– it is with great sadness and gratitude that we remember Jan Henry T. Olsen. The people he has met in all spheres of life remember a charming, gentle and courageous person who has impressed everyone he has met, he told NTB.

Jens Stoltenberg was Minister of Industry and Energy in the third constituency of Brundtland

. government. He and Olsen met in the AUF and were close behind when the two ministers received $ 900 million to convince coastal residents to vote yes in the 1994 referendum.

Olsen Was basically not a man, but said that he had a good fishing agreement and did not have to give up a fish – hence the nickname "No Fish" – he would become a man yes. In the end, he got an agreement that was so good that he could travel and recommend it, imitates Stoltenberg

– The campaign went so well, but we did a lot of beautiful walks. Not less than we traveled all along the coast to visit the fishing and fish processing companies. I've learned a lot about northern Norway and the warmth of people through Jan Henry, he says.

– Jan Henry will be missed. I loved him very much and I know that he had some difficult years towards the end of his life. My thoughts go to his wife Laila and to his neighbor, says Stoltenberg

Open on Dementia

Stoltenberg describes a hot person with a lot of humor, a champion of the region from where he originated . The same goes for Karl Eirik Schjøtt-Pedersen, Olsen's successor as Minister of Fisheries.

– Jan Henry was a prominent national and regional politician. He distinguished himself as fisheries minister and as a competent politician for northern Norway. We are all saddened that he has been suffering from diseases for many years, but he remembers him as the sparkling man that he was originally, "said Schjøtt-Pedersen. at NTB.

Prime Minister Erna Solberg (H) recalls Olsen as an active politician.

– I also remember how he and his family stood up and faced how dementia can strike and affect his loved ones. That someone has been able to get up with dementia this way, I think many should be grateful, says Solberg.

(© NTB)

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