Formerly requested visit control – NRK Hedmark and Oppland – Local information, television and radio


In the beginning, the police asked the man to be detained for four more weeks, but he did not get one. Earlier Tuesday, police reported also condemning the 66-year-old man to be subjected to another person.

The 66-year-old man is nevertheless detained until the appeal is settled because the police have agreed to it. [19659002] – We take note of the order and have had a suspensive effect. The case will be appealed tomorrow, said police lawyer Tom Gjestvang in the district of the National Police of NRK.

Described as "a hell"

Earlier this month, it became known that a man in his forties should have been detained in a Westoppland residence by another man in the 1960s while more than a year. Victim says he does not recognize the case

Defender Arnor Ilstad strongly reacts that the police will appeal the verdict.

– When reading the decision, it is an accurate description of the facts. The mistake has been weakened, while police reports as other reasons are not present, Ilstad told NRK.

Ilstad says the 66-year-old was sick, newly operated and should not be imprisoned

– the man sitting with a stomach in his stomach in the hearing room today 39, and was in very bad shape. If he goes out tomorrow, something we hope he should be in the hospital, says Ilstad.

Police prosecutor Gjestvang stresses that much remains to be done and that the victims should remain in prison

. – We have arrived a little in the investigation, but there is still much to be done and there is a risk of disruption of evidence, he says, without being able to go into the details of what is left.

The insulted man described the conditions in which he should have lived as "a hell".

This is Oppland Arbeiderblad who spoke about it first.

He had to have a friendly relationship

Aina Helene Tvengsberg, said that the first offender in the case should have experienced violence, threats and coercion.

– He also explained physical violence, says Tvengsberg to NRK

I would not comment on what happened in the past, but I say that it should have been a friendly relationship between the two men.

  Aina Tvengsberg

HUMAN RESPONSIBILITY: Aina Helene Tvengsberg is the lawyer of the man insulted in the 40s. She says that there should have been a relationship of friendship between the two men.

Photo: Gaute Zakariassen / NRK

– Both are not in the family, nor do they have an affective relationship. They have been known over time, they are both mountains, said Tvengsberg then.

– Requested a visit control

She tells her client that it is hard, but that it is supported by family and health professionals. Tvengsberg did not previously go into the details of what the man explained to the police, but confirms that he felt "threatened, forced and partially violent."

– What does your client think of

– Basically, my client wanted an extension of detention, but if the victim is released, I asked that the convicted persons be contacted and returned to control

on Tuesday, Tvengsberg told NRK. It will also help men who are insulted in the part of the case relating to abuse, or the management of offenders.

Lawyer Istad says his client also denies punishment for this relationship.

– This rejects my client. He is a former tenant since he helped manage the economy. He should have no income other than his rent, to which he is entitled, "says Ilstad.

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