Found bomb objects and Breivik propaganda just before the VG List Concert – NRK Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country


22. In June 2018, the concert of the VG list at Rådhusplassen in Oslo is in full swing

At the same time as tens of thousands of young people are thrown through the security points in the concert area, a large number police officers install themselves there. The background is a message stating that a "bomb-like object" has been found in the area

The police operating center has never reported to the media the event not mentioned before.

  VG List Top 20.

TWO ARRANGEMENTS: The football feast at the crossroads of the World Cup and VG list concert brought together a lot of people in the region between the town hall and Aker Brygge.

Photo: Audun Braastad / NTB scanpix

A "technical installation" of artisanal manufacture

– We found a technical installation in the early evening under the top 20 of the VG list, a piece of equipment. one of the checkpoints of the arena. The bomb group was requested and a security zone was put in place, confirms the Police District Police Inspector of Oslo, Johan Fredriksen at NRK

The object was found outside the concert hall.

– The object was a homemade device 10 times 20 centimeters. He had several components and wires, which required further investigation by the police to determine if it contained explosives. We take no chances when we receive a message about such articles, especially when they are related to a larger event. Fredriksen told the NRK that the group of bombs had taken it for investigation,

It soon became apparent that the article contained no trace of explosive but looked like a electric weapon or tazer.

– We checked it as far as possible. We thought that at worst it could be part of a larger building.

  Johan Fredriksen

MISCELLANEOUS: Police called the bombing group after finding a suspicious object near the town hall square before the concert.

Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB scanpix

The police have not yet been able to determine where the object came from or why it was there.

– On the one hand, he might have been consciously placed there to create fear and to initiate action by the police. On the other hand, someone may have thrown it before the security lock, so as not to be dismissed from the event.

The VG List is hosted by VG and NRK, who refer to the Oslo Police District regarding security issues around the concert area

High-Right Content Movies

Beside a garbage can the police found on the outside DVDs titled "BREIVIK" and "HOLO", for the Holocaust.

– DVDs had content right. There were Youtube music from real events cut together as propaganda. Anyone with a little technical expertise could produce such a movie at home, "says Fredriksen

– What did the movies show?

– It was a bit of the Holocaust, the Jews' hat, references to Breivik and actual events – collected in a right-wing propaganda film. EXTENSION: The police did not disclose the public about the findings because they would not spread unnecessary fear.

Photo: Audun Braastad / NTB scanpix

Police have discovered that similar DVDs have been found dozens of times in Romerike and north of Oslo since 2016.

– They were found at meeting points bus stops and train stations. Someone had also been sent directly to individuals. It was reassuring for us to know that they were not the only ones because they were not just targeting a specific event, but presenting it as a form of propaganda, Fredriksen says.

context has the technical device with DVDs?

– It is impossible to say whether these objects have a real context, but it is such that these are placed together to be found then

  Top atmosphere during the VG event top 20 list at Rådhusplassen in 2011

MUSIC FESTIVAL: The year concert in Oslo was the 20th concert of the VG list since the first in 2008.

Photo: Erlend Lånke Solbu / NRK

According to the organizer, about 30,000 people met during the concert, while a stone's throw followed several thousand and followed the World Cup match between Nigeria and Iceland on the big screen of Kontraskjæret. On the stage were Alan Walker, Stargate and Isac Elliot.

  World Cup in Kontraskjæret

FOOTBALL FEST: Beside the VG list the concert there were several thousand people who saw the match between Nigeria and Iceland tonight.

Photo: Fredrik Hagen / NTB scanpix

Despite the large influx, the police did not broadcast any message, neither to the public nor to the press, on the discovery and clarification of the suspicious object on the spot.

Why not?

– It quickly became apparent that the object did not contain any explosives at the time of the arrival of the bombers. There was no reason to cancel the event because of the discovery

– But why not disclose what the police did and that the object was been checked and transported?

– We make our assessment in our function in such situations. It would have been an undesirable effect to disclose that from what we actually found. There are many discoveries of suspicious objects. Said Fredriksen: "We needed calm around the field investigation, and we would not spread the fear of the thousands of oppressors," says Fredriksen.

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