Found up to 180 illegal knives in one day – NRK Østlandssendingen – Local News, TV and Radio


– Here we see carambian knives, Batang knives and skipping knives, "says Runar Kristiansen, customs inspector at the Gardermoen customs office

all of which are knives that have been cut. intention to hurt.

They are drawn from an American gangster movie.Some can be thrown, like a batang knife, while others are small and wrapped in hard plastic.

They are the size of a credit card and can be stowed.

– It is very easy to hide in his pocket Fredriksen says the knife is nothing at all.

  Knives that

MAY BE MADE: It is a small knife covered with hard plastic.The knife and the protection around the blades are the size of a credit card.

Photo: Stig Jaarvik / NRK

Customs officers have never seized so many knives

In the first half of This year, until June 31, Gardermoen customs officers install more than 600 knives. According to the Customs Administration, this increase is several hundred percent compared to the first half of last year.

In recent days, the Customs Union has imported illegal knives and seized up to 180 knives in a day. – This is disturbing. There are too many products of illegal violence arriving in Norway today. Tor Fredriksen, Section Head at the Border Inspection Section of the Gardermoen Customs Office

<img id = "t0l19KDgr-GjR9NcTG4-LQ" sizes = "(min-width: 1180px) 639px, (min- width: 720px) 56vw, 100vw "srcset =" 80w, 160w, https: // gfx / t0l19KDgr-GjR9NcTG4-LQpei3gHSme21uDHSRBOYhtA 350w, 450w, 650w, https: // 1000w, 1200w, 1600w, https : // 2000w "src =" data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 "alt =" Tor Fredriksen, Section Head, Service Department border inspection of the Customs Union of Gardermoen 19659007] COMPLETE: – This is disturbing. According to Tor Fredriksen, head of section, too much of the illegal violence is coming to Norway today.

Photo: Stig Jaarvik / NRK

Most knives are ordered online and come from Asian countries. The knives are seized and those who ordered them are warned.

– The blades are seized and we report them under the weapons and weapons regulations. He says that a knife should have a legitimate purpose, that is to say, make sense. These knives have no other purpose than to inflict damage, he says.

  Customs Knife Hunt

CATEGORY OF THE DAY: Customs Inspector Runar Kristiansen watches in the mail today, 80 knives were seized today.

Photo: Stig Jaarvik / NRK

Young Men

Nearly 40% of those who order these knives online are boys and young men aged 13 to 28 years.

Per cent, customs officials find that most knives go to Oslo, but there are also people who want them all over the country.

– We see that this affects all municipalities in the country. This is disturbing and the community is filling with products of illegal violence that can be used for bad things, "says Fredriksen

  Captive Knives Today (19659007) GO TO: Gardermoen customs are trying to stop the importation of illegal knives. They say that they can not stop everything, but they start to get it. </p>
<p><small>  Photo: Stig Jaarvik / NRK </small><br />
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<p>  <strong> Why so many people want such knives to be difficult to say, but the section chief has some theories. </strong> </p>
<p>  – We believe that young men feel attracted to having and possessing such types of knives. This can provide some form of status, and maybe some kind of sense of security. We are uncertain, but we see that it is growing dramatically. "</p>
<p>  On questions about the introduction of illegal violence, the products can be stopped, replies the director of the section </p>
<p><strong>  – We can never stop appropriate inconvenience.I think we start to raise it, but certainly not all. </strong></p>
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BATANGAKIVES: The two knives on the top right of the image are knives of Batang.

Photo: Stig Jaarviik

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