From the fans of the travelers to the quarter-finals


Harry Maguire was the greatest hero of England when the team easily crossed Sweden and the World Cup semifinals.

After playing more than 100 games with Sheffield United, Maguire has been predicting a good career. had predicted the dizzying trip that the cap had experienced in recent seasons

When the previous World Cup had been played in Brazil four years ago, the midfielder had just signed Hull, where he was going to play. football at the same time as studies. 19659002] A brilliant season when Hull returned to the Premier League in 2016/17 made the midfielder difficult for a move to bigger clubs and in the same summer he got ready for Leicester City, a year after the club took over. title of champion. 19659002] Later this summer, a childhood dream came true for Maguire. Gareth Southgate, the manager of the English national team, offered him the opportunity to take advantage on the national team A.

England left the Cup of the world in 1965


Because when England played at EM two years ago, Maguire was also up in France, but not for Roy Hodgson's team.

With his friend, Maguire was up in France to cheer up England's national team.

The tournament finished England dropped the tournament in the round of 16 against Iceland. This time, the English victory against another Nordic opponent has never been threatened.

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This time, the pal, little brother and chesterfield Laurence, traveled to Russia to follow a new championship. Maguire as a regular member of the El-Fee of England

– Irreplaceable for the team

Maguire has shown up and conceded the first goal from England. It was Maguire's first goal for England. Nevertheless, it was not surprising that England and Maguire were going to score after the death ball.

Eight of the English Championship's eleven goals have fallen and Maguire has been an important piece in the many deadly bullets of England.

– Harry Maguire was absolutely huge in both boxes. He is a giant, but at the same time he is graceful with the ball in his legs. He is absolutely irreplaceable for the team right now. It still showed its significance today, says BBC expert and former England striker Rio Ferdinand

Together with goalkeeper Jordan Pickford did the stop shirt for England to keep the back zero. Maguire dominated as usual in the air and was also superior in both huts

Now, Croatia or Russia are waiting in the semifinal of Maguire and the rest of the English

N / A IMPLOSE NOT: England beats Sweden 2-0 for its first World Cup semifinal since 1990. The game of attack, on the other hand, does not have the advantage. Nothing to brag about, according to Dagbladet's commentator, Esten O. Sæther. The program leader is Øyvind Godø.
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