Prime Minister Erna Solberg said in parts of Frp when she said a week ago that it was right that Norway is also participating in a possible distribution mechanism for refugees and refugees. migrants
. The EU has not yet asked us to receive anybody and that the case has not been dealt with by the government. At the same time, it recalls that the Jeløya platform, which is the agreement between the right, the frp and the left, embraces the principle of European cooperation on migration
] SIEG NO: The Storting representative Christian Tybring-Gjedde (Frp) thinks that Norway has already helped the EU manage the flow of asylum seekers.
Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB scanpix
According to political scientist Frp Christian Tybring-Gjedde The same agreement will prevent Norway from accepting "EU refugees" in addition to the 2120 refugees that the Norway has already decided to receive this year.
The agreement states that the government will "continue the agreed level of quota refugees and will increase if the date of arrival continues today. "
– Can you agree on a decision that will increase Norway's commitments to the number we should receive?" [19659008] – No, we refer to Jeløya's statement, and that is very clear.We can not break our own declaration of cooperation, he says.
To find out if the 2120 goes through the EU or the UN, according to the quota refugees of today Tybring-Gjedde replies:
– this is the accepted figure.If we call them refugees from the EU or something else, this does not matter The EU has to fight with its own countries here.It is there that the pressure must lie.We can not be more loyal to the EU than the EU countries themselves. same
– Jeløya no obstacles
SIER YES: Storting representative Guri Melby (V) thinks that Norway has everything to gain by helping the EU to accept more asylum seekers.
Photo: Pernille Solås / NRK
Leftist Guri Melby flatly rejects Jeløya's platform, which means that Norway can not receive more than 2120 dollars in the state budget [19659016] – The Jeløya agreement The figures on the number of refugees that Norway will receive are not certain. I think that should depend on the situation in Norway, but also on the situation in the world and the number of people who are on the run. So, it's something we have to repress and discuss between the government parties
– So, you think that the Jeløya platform does not prevent Norway from accepting more than migrants from EU countries, in addition to refugees. told the UN that we can receive?
– There is nothing in the Jeløya agreement that indicates how many refugees Norway can receive. The left worked for us to receive more quota refugees, we believe that it is a good way to contribute to an international challenge. We think we must say yes to the EU agreement and take our part so that we can work to welcome both many quota refugees but also through this system of l & # 39; EU.