Full earthquake about whale watching in Vesterålen – Complaining of a competitor for animal welfare – NRK Nordland – Local News, TV and Radio


The owner of Andenes Camping and Hvalsafari AS, Geir Maan, hung a poster at the Andenes campground to which tourists think before choosing an operator. He believes that RIB boats for Sea Safari, the competitor of whale safaris, scare the sperm whale

– it's a pure animal wreck, says Maan.


The poster looks like.

On the poster, we see an illustration of a whale who asks for help and tries to escape from a boat at full speed. The message is that high-speed boats do not coincide with whales, and this may seem like an obvious sting for the competitor, Sea Safari.

Even Maan uses bigger boats to guide them, according to their own websites.

Attack on the fire by Geir Maan, he is also sure that summer is coming. We operate in a safe and secure way, "says Gunnar Jan Olsen, Sea Safari, at NRK

and is Andøyyposten who wrote about the conflict first.

  Sperm whale meets whale in the Andes

Sperm whale dancing in the sea.

Photo: Marten Bril

– I know what I'm talking about

Geir Maan believes sperm whale s & # 39; has escaped further into the sea after Sea Safari with RIB boats. This disappears Olsen.

– Last year we had to go 20 miles away to find the sperm whale. This year we find the 6-7 miles off the coast. The whale follows the food, "says Olsen

The moon now believes that the authorities will be involved and that there will be a total ban on the RIB that move near the whale

– I live for more than 30 years.

  Whale Safari

The RIB is one of the vessels used for whale watching.

Photo: Lofoten Opplevelser

Receives Researcher Support

Gunnar Jan Olsen tells NRK that no matter which boat you drive, you must drive well and Sea Safari has strict rules for the behavior on the whale field.

Olsen receives support from Petter Kvadsheim, Chief Research Scientist Defense Research Institute. They have long been researching whales outside the Andes.

– According to our research, it appears that the size of the boat does not determine how much the sperm whale becomes. Everything is on the speed at which you drive in the area. If a RIB is working properly, it's not a problem using this type of boat.

Kvadsheim says he used the RIB once he studied the sperm whale's behavior and that it was pretty close to the whales. without having reacted.

– If you were on a whale safari, with one of these operators, which boat would you choose?

– It depends on how the boat driver behaves near the animals. Whale safari "title =" Foto: Billy Jacobsen "/>

The whale safari is one of the main tourist attractions of Andøya.

Photo: Billy Jacobsen

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