Gives head of the Norwegian health center


The case is being updated.

"I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to develop the company with so many competent colleagues, it has been demanding, fun and meaningful, and it is obviously strange to give direction to another", said Håkon Grimstad in a press release issued Monday morning.

Grimstad has run the business since it became a state-owned company in 2009 and during this period, Norsk Helsenett has experienced strong growth. He is now 62 years old and has decided to leave.

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Family in Stockholm

Norsk Helsenett is a state-owned enterprise that provides secure infrastructure and ICT services to all health services in Norway. The company currently employs more than 400 people at Trondheim's head office and branches in Tromsø, Bergen and Oslo.

– 10 years old, it's quite long. My family and I live in Stockholm, continues Grimstad, adding that he wanted to spend the last years at his workplace at tasks closer to home.

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Looking for a new top manager

"Håkon Grimstad led the company with enthusiasm and security, and through a combination of deep technological knowledge and knowledge of the healthcare industry, he has made the company today an ICT service provider. safe and secure Norsk Helsenett enjoys great confidence among healthcare professionals, large and small, and the strong position that the company has acquired over the years with Håkon Grimstad as a leader, said Toril Bariusdotter Ressem, president of the press.

Norsk Helsenett is looking for Grimstad's successor and wants to recruit in February / March.

Håkon Grimstad ends at Norsk Helsenett on September 30, 2019.

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