Gråtkval Michael Douglas (74) Thanks papa Kirk (101)


LOVE: Michael Douglas showed everyone here how close he was to his famous father, Kirk Douglas, at the ceremony on Monday.
LOVE: Michael Douglas showed everyone here how close he was to his famous father, Kirk Douglas, at the ceremony on Monday. Photo: MARIO ANZUONI / AP


Kirk Douglas sits in a wheelchair in the front row at the solemn ceremony of his son Michael's stars in Hollywood on Monday.

published: Updated: 08.11.18 12:47

Finally having HollywoodVeteran Michael Douglas had his own star on the venerable Hollywood Walk of Fame.

In thanksgiving, Douglas explained to them that he was she the question on which he has been most focused throughout his 50-year career – why he has not been rewarded by the prestigious star.

He had no answer.

"Let's face the facts, it's a great honor and I'm not rejuvenating, so I'm going to enjoy this with my wife, my son, all my nurses and the tippoldebars," he said. people.

Oscar-winning Michael Douglas, known as "Wall Street", "Dangerous Desire", "Basic Instinct", "Wonder Boys", "Ant-Men" and "Wasp" became grandfather. ;last year. However, he is not close to being able to call his grandfather.

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Michaels was in place during the ceremony scandalous son Cameron Douglas (39). The same was the wife of Michael, the movie star Catherine Zeta-Jones (49 years old). They received Michael's two hot words. But that was dad Kirk which made Micah's voice shout with emotion.

My dad is here. In a month, Kirk will last 102 years! It means so much to me, Dad, that you are here today. Thank you for all your advice, for inspiration. I say it easily, but from the bottom of my heart: I am so proud to be your son, says Michael of the father who owns more than 100 movies, three Oscar statuettes and the longest star of the Walk of Fame.

Michael hugged his father and kissed him in the middle of the mouth in the honor of the photographers.

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Cameron Douglas, like in 2016 escaped from prison after being seven years old for a narkodom, pose with father and grandfather.

"I'm so proud to see my son, Cameron, here Michael said that he shouted his wife.

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– The love of my life is also here. I'm talking about Catherine. I am so grateful for all love and patience. In one week, we can celebrate 18 years of marriage. Thank you very much for the best 18 years of my life.

Five years ago, they went through two a crisis in the relationshipbut they succeeded to be reunited.

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Michael Douglas has his son Cameron with Excelsior Diandra Luker (60)and a 15-year-old girl and an 18-year-old son with Zeta-Jones.

The 74-year-old star is the result of an honorable campaign led by his followers. The organization of the Hollywood Chambers of Commerce receives about 300 suggestions from fan clubs and agents each year. Only 15-20 of them end up with a star.

Kirk Douglas, like other stars, realized that the cement star had become stolen on the sidewalks. However, the stolen stars have been replaced.

President Donald Trump (72) has received several times his star completely destroyed.

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