Great break test: – It was really bad. He did not taste the strawberries.


We went to grocery stores to see the strawberries of the countries that are currently buying. Four representatives from the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Belgium were examined. According to the test panel, there are great differences in flavor between varieties.

Here is how we numbered the berries:

1. Netherlands

2. Norway

3. Sweden

4. Belgium

– Number four is too difficult, says Manon Eikholt from the Netherlands.

Hard Passage

At the wrong end of the scale, the Belgian berries end – ten out of ten think they are the worst:

– They have l '# 39; look strange.

– This is tasteless.

– This is not sweet.

These comments were regulars during the test. The Belgian basket became the unconditional loss of the test. Only one person has classified the Belgian at the top.

Held på hjemlandet

At Aker Brygge we meet a family of four from the Netherlands. Before they start the test, they are confused that their home country will clinch the win.

The father in the family tastes the first berry

– I think one comes from the Netherlands. They are too good. They are so big. They almost seem pumped, he says, pointing to the bowl.

Mother in family does not agree.

– The number two is better. Number two is Dutch, she concludes.

– It is sweeter and tastes better

After tasting the four different berries, they were in agreement. Favorites are not from home but from vacation country. So, they preferred Norwegian strawberries.

Superior Victory

They are not alone in thinking. In this test, Norwegian strawberries dump the Dutch and Belgian flavors.

Although the Norwegians of the test panel responded in advance that they prefer Norwegian, it was not everyone who managed to recognize them. .

– I eat strawberries all year round. But I think when Norwegian strawberries arrive, it's great, says Anne-Grethe Hasle Berntzen.

She smells the number two berry and puts it in her mouth

– It was absolutely good, says Orsberg, without knowing that she was tasting a Norwegian berry.

Nevertheless, she concludes that Swedish is the best.

– I am patriotic and think that it is Norwegian, Orsberg.

After the test, we revealed the answers.

– Yes, yes, it's Nordic at least, says Orsberg.

The ladies agree that Dutch and Belgian have less taste.

– They are more suitable for use in dessert or cake decorations. The Nordics are the best to eat alone, they say.

Your Henriksen and Mattis Andersen from Hamar are slightly happy in strawberries. They are convinced that Norwegian berries are the best.

– I bought three pounds yesterday, says Tone Henriksen. She quickly tasted Norwegian Bay.

Although Mattis Andersen has reported the Dutch berries to win, they will continue to buy Norwegian strawberries.

– Yes, we like to buy on farms in the area. That's what we did yesterday. We bought eighteen baskets. And then we made jam.

– I do not buy a specific brand. They are often good when they come directly from the field.

Claus Schmidt knows what he is talking about.

– I've already picked a lot of strawberries, he explains.

– The worst job I've had.

He tells her that he was twelve years old and was working on chore wages.

– It was a break. I was going to buy a bike. When I won the crown, I resign, he says and laughs.

– I had really liked a mix of toeren and treer. In fact, I think I went for Swedish with sugar and cream. And Norwegian without anything else, he said.

The result of the unsustainable earthbreak

13 people tested. This was the result:

  1. Norwegian strawberries. Nine people preferred this.
  2. Swedish strawberries. Two people preferred that.
  3. Dutch strawberries. One person preferred them
  4. Belgian strawberries. One person preferred these.

– Strawberries sweet because of the long season

– Strawberries are nice to eat because they contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, explains Elena Sunde, physiologist in clinical nutrition.

According to her, it is advisable to eat different types of berries and fruits of different colors. Then you get different antioxidants and are better equipped for diseases.

– Strawberries contain a lot of water. So it's good to eat when it's hot outside for liquid, "she says.

Sunde tells how the taste of Norwegian and foreign berries is.

– The reason for the famous softness of Norway's berries is that the spring in this country is long and cold. The berries therefore have a longer ripening time, producing more sugar from the leaves through photosynthesis, says Elena Sunde.

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