Great water pipe break in Møllendal – Bergens Tidende


The inhabitants have more water from Svartediket to Laksevåg, after a major water course break in Møllendalsveien.

The water sank and covered much of the Millennium Road several centuries after the great water course Thursday night.

The operating engineer Sigurd Ottemo in Bergen Water informs BT that households are deprived of water from the Black Dedicated in Laksevåg.

– Now we must have closed the four valves, two on each side, he said at 00.30 hours.

– The title sank

The academic leader of Bergen Water, Frode Øybost, told BT that it is the main water supply from which he fled.

– We have it closed now. We are now working to bring the water into other valves, so that the center recovers the water in a few hours. We have emptied the entire net and it will take some time to rebuild the pressure, he says.

– People have to prepare a little brown water when the water is back.

Øybost says that it's hard to say when residents who live in the break, that is to say from the bus stop Mullendalsbakken to Strømmen, will recover the Water

– Sprain along

The main Møllendalsveien pipeline is 60 centimeters in diameter. Every hour, it flows between 450,000 and 3.2 million liters of water.

– I think it's exploded because there is so much water that has escaped, "says Øybost, who can give no estimate.

Police: Do not enter the water

Police ask people not to go to the water because a pole in the area may come into contact with the water Water, which will then direct the flow. Around 14:40, the BKK team came to the scene, probably because of the lamppost.

The water eruption was reported Thursday at 23:30.

– We had a phone two minutes ago. There is a major water course break in Møllendalsveien, that is what we know, hisHelge Lund in the 110th century.

When BT's reporter was on hand a few minutes later, the water covered Møllendalsveien over several hundred meters up to the sidewalk.

The municipality of Bergen writes that the water register is located in Møllendalsveien, in the housing of students.

Student Thord The receipt (20) lives on the second floor near the place where the water is watered.

– I just noticed it. I heard like water and watched. There was parking full of water, he said.

The fire department checks the buildings

At midnight, the fire department arrived with a crew.

110th District Attorney Helge Lund says that it is essentially the municipality that is "on the lawn" when it comes to the water drainage gap. The fire department is there to check that water does not enter the buildings.

– It seems that there is a failure of the water supply of the widest variety. We have received several phones that many have lost water, says Lund.

– Closed the Valves

The Bergen City Guard Center writes that Bergen Vann will work to close the cutoff so that the water supply network can be replenished.

– There is a fairly large stretch of water pipes drained from water, so you have to calculate it a few hours before filling it again, writes the central office.

BT failed on Thursday evening to contact the plant due to strong pressure on the central office.

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