Gulljackpot and NM in the V75 turn at Biri


Lionel and Gøran Antonsen have great new progress together. On Saturday, they will defend the NM title from last year. Photo: Per Wahlberg / TT / NTB scanpix
Photo: Per Wahlberg / Tt
(NTB scanpix)

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There is no doubt that the V75 game today in Biri seems easy. However, it's a big but here. In work, there are some very unforeseen things that you can not analyze. That is why it is good to make a lot of money for seven smoothers today. There is great potential in this round, and do not forget that there is a gold jackpot here. The podium doubles when the game closes and it is possible to win 18 million incredible. Play before 15:00.

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Petter with DD-flap in Bjerke on July 24
Nobody has managed seven consecutive games this Wednesday. And one day when our two bankers came in second place, it was very happy that the DD game came into play. Petter Kristiansen meant that Revenue Lavec had an excellent opportunity to win in the double division on the second day. He voted, and the latter blew up the competition. DD's biggest bid was 300 crowns for the day and paid 2,839 brilliant crowns. I hope that there are more who have resumed here.

Lerum with the latest info V75 success in southern Norway July 21
Valle Mattis was our main baker in southern Norway on Saturday, but unfortunately he was only riding behind Garli Moe Garlin. However, on the latest news, our bongs have been successful, and all the latest bonger info (29 bongs) are entered. Almost all the bongs cost from 1,000 to 2,000 crowns, and these went from 5.55 to 5.525 crowns.

The controversy of today, which everyone believes easy, has been the opposite of the previous two years. Last year, seven have corrected more than a hundred thousand, and after Lionel became a favorite in the last year edition of the Norwegian championship. Lykkje Borka won and, as first choice, played more than 40%. Two years ago, no player was allowed seven consecutive games. That's why Glen Word Superb and Ultimate Photo are used as favorites. Do not worry, because in the V75 game there are always opportunities.

Before the V75 tour it starts, as usual on Saturday, a match V5. There are two V5 races before the V75 starts.

V5-1: An open track where many horses gallop a lot. A horse that I want you to take care of is 7 Fridtjof . This shows great progress for every race in progress. The undersigned was present at Momarken, where the horse took second place, and he warmed up for the day. Now in Drammen, he has only good goals for the first team in front of him. Fridtjof went very well when the opening was revealed. Must be passed. It's a race where I cross too many horses.

V5-2: Not easy to do and warnings are needed. 5 Maestro is a very good favorite and has a good chance of winning. But it's not a hit. It's just a nice walk.

I really warn you of a deep object. Bergenshesten 9 Lucky Showman takes the trip to Biri and I understand why. The horse eventually rejuvenated at his last start. The impression on the race was just great. It was a form message that must be taken seriously. Kusk Mats-Andre Rasmussen has not won the race yet, and it is usually very difficult to obtain it. But I must warn you of the spur that the horse showed last.

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Yes, we also use 2 Hillary B.R in V75-1. It's a huge crossing. Something completely out of the ordinary, and the jump wins this race. We found a banker, and we are talking about Brenne Blissi in V75-2. It has a very good job ahead of him. Many of the races are very beautiful and we found many beautiful objects. We have a clear idea of ​​how the national championship is going!

See the following V75 analyzes for Biri:

V75-1 / V5-3 – Hot Blood Horses. Jumping jumpers of Princess Märtha Louise. Autostart of 2100 meters.

2 Hillary B.R. For a huge crossing this is. Jump is, in my opinion, and many others, the best jump of Norway right now. Of course, she does not know what it's like to lose a jog, and it probably lasts a long time. The way Muscle Hill's daughter then used Jarlsberg was slightly impressive. Kusk Magnus Teien took it easily, but drove to the tent after 8-900 meters. From there, there was a horse on the track, and the last 500 meters were marked at 11.1. Going was as good to Biri last time. No, this is not the case. 2 Hillary B.R is today the best bank of V75 and V5 games.
Ranking V75-1: A: 2 B: 3-9-7-1-10-11-4-5-12-6

V75-2 / V5-4 – Horses in cold blood . Skip the Cup. 2100 meters voltstart
Start page:
Nominal scale 4 Lygna Lotte has beautiful dances. Going is fast in the crowd, but will not be sitting in front. The early promotion is 10 Mailund Jerva from his sources. I think the latter is in charge after 500 meters piloted.

Then the question is 14 Brenne Blissi to recover 10 Mailund Jerva? Yes. I am quite sure, and against the resistance of today, I hardly play against Brenne Traveren. The task Brenne Blissi has before us is incredibly beautiful. Jumping meetings on horses is usually much better than that. The shape of this crossing is absolutely huge. Has the shape really been better than now? She then roared to victory over Forus third last. Then, it was a task similar to that of today. When there was a ride, Kusk sent the horse into the third lanes. Although she was a little embarrassed at the last distance and she was far ahead of 500 yards, she was very good in the race. By far the best horse.

Lomé Elden's daughter was at least as good at Hagmyren. She won so easily that it is possible to win a jog. It was a bit out of the ordinary feeling. In Sørlandet, she was looking for horses like Ulsrud Tea and Åsrud Vilja in the Norwegian championship in southern Norway. Åsbjørn Tengsareid led Brenne Blissi directly into the fourth interior, which was clearly planned. Unfortunately, Arves Silver, who was very weak for the day, sat in front of her. He ended up being stuck on the floor. However, the impression was very nice too this time to Brenne Blissi. Today 's resistance will beat, especially with the shape of Traveren de Brenne. I do not find any race horse so playable. And twenty meters on these horses, she will pick them up. 14 Brenne Blissi will be the second best banker of today for me.
Rank V75-2: A: 14 B: 12-15 C: 1-3-7-4-6-8-13-11 D: 2-5-9

V75 -3 / V5-5 – Warm-blooded horses. NM Hot Bloodshop. Autostart 2100 meters
Home Page:
A slightly exciting home page. 1 Global Talk is going to have a race, but who is the first promoted by the latter? There is no doubt that 6 I Love Paris has come across fast horses, but it's not a monster, and must drive to bed if it's going to get there. 2 Charisma K.W and 4 Lady Lane are two fast horses, but how fast are 5 Calina behind the car? Finally, it did not seem that the Axis was driving much with it. I'm pretty sure that this jump can open very quickly in this race, and I Love Paris will have a lot of trouble recovering a length of it.

A few favorites we must try to work away, and 6 I Love Paris becomes one. Of course, it's about knowing how the race is driven. If it were to be taken without a sword by Calina or someone else, she probably wins. I hope, however, that someone would like to try, and I specifically aim at Hamre with Calina. 6 I love Paris, however, was very nice last behind Heavy Sound and Sorbet. The effort was great. She has met some very good horses and is considered a favor, but no one is doing banking today.

5 Calina . This one is very good, but how much? Imagine if she should get angry. And Jepson, who kisses J & # 39; love Paris, must pay attention to death. It was incredibly fun, because I think Calina has a good win. Hamre-Traveren had a great race in the final of the Jarlsberg Grand Prix. Frode Hamre announced in advance that the American car was driving and that he had made some changes. Fagmann Hamre had really put it in order. To win this race of death, when Royal Normandy got a silk run in the back, it's just a big effort. It will probably be the same equipment today, and I think it should be considered early. On deck, I think the chances of winning are good, even against I Love Paris.

9 Etna B.R . This is my third cheeky horse in the race. What an effort this has delivered at Bjerke Last. She was the only traver who could undertake the quest for the superb Code Bon. Etna B.R looked so awesome before the race. It was a message that really needs to be taken seriously. Now, it's really good and I mean as little game as it's a horse that's going to be all the rebounds. The same thing will be 8 This Is It . She spent a while in France now and she is very good at her best. She was good after a solid third round on a course of unknown French. 4 Lady Lane has looked fun on Sørlandet recently, and is one of those who can accommodate any suggestions.
Rank V75-3: A: 6-5 B: 9-8-4 B / C: 2-3 C: 1-11-10-7

V75-4 / V4 -1 – Warm-blooded horses. The poker race of Princess Märtha Louise. Automatic start of 1609 meters
A very good home page. I spent a lot of time studying everyone wondering who takes 1 Royal Muscle and 2 Catherine's Chevy? My opinion is that 1 Royal Muscle defends its track. The hammer-through has not yet been completely driven, and the way it opened last time was very impressive. The fact that Catherine's Chevrolet is very fast, we know it, but I think it will be very difficult to get a length of 1 Royal Muscle when it will be fully loaded.

1 Royal Muscle . It's the one I think most about this race. That we should see and appreciate such horses as Royal Muscle is really a pleasure. It's a cannon, a big cannon. Four races have ended with four simple victories up to now. Last nest at Bjerke, he was standing in the eighth track behind the car, but was found dead after 4-500 meters. Hamre pressed the dead and on the last lap he took the lead. From there, there was a charm of the handsome son of Muscle Mass. Not only is there a lot of strength in this horse, it is very high and its top speed. We saw it in qualifying for the final of the day. Royal Muscle is open tremendously fast behind the car. Then the race was as planned. The horse has become scary. It's a still a little lazy way, but when the kiss Hamre asks for more, he really takes it. This is what characterizes the horses that are doing really well because they last the longest. If the scenario of my home page matches, the chances of winning for the Hamre traveren are very good.

2 Catherine's Chevy . Another huge crosses this. The horse in Rorgermoen did not do much harm until here. He settled on Solvalla in third, and looked brilliant in both starts thereafter. Last of the qualification, he ran as far as 9 Musclemadness L.J. at the bottom of the race. The impression was raw. Regardless of how the home page goes, Catherine Chevy is of course one of the horses to take care of the proposals. Together with 1 Royal Muscle, they are the two best horses of the race.

I have faith that both of these weapons have a good chance of making up for victory. However, there is a tug until I want you to search for this race. The third horse is 5 Thai Explosive. This 3 year old child came out during the Jarlsberg weekend and won a breeze. There was a run for the horse, and the Explosive Matter son was at the forefront of the words. Now, the last time in qualifying, I was disappointed by the effort from outside in third place. It was a good deal until Royal Muscle for the day. I know, however, that the horse was not good that day and that he was struggling with his stomach. Despite this, he became third in the race. If the stomach problems are gone and the horse is back, he can win. Take like a third horse.

The fourth horse is 3 President of the show . The latter holds a good level and is not far from abilities 1 and 2. If favorites drive hard ahead, and this one gets the best run that he can win. Note: During this race, the game V4 starts.
Ranking V75-4: A: 1 B: 2-5-3 B / C: 4-9-6-10 C: 12-7-11-8

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V75-5 / V4-2 – Cold blooded horses. Coldbloods Cup. 2609 meters
3 Kvikk Tojo has very beautiful dances. However, this should not be ahead and will let go early. About 6 Bråtnesfaks are cut, it should have great opportunities to go through Vetle Petter and Eidshaugasjerven. This will be my favorite favorite.

6 Bråtnesfaks . It's a wonderful traver, and at its capacity it's not a meter worse than the favorite Vetle Petter. Bråtnesfaks came in last on Momarken. The Heidi Moen coach accelerated quite brutally to second place, just behind Vetle Petter. The bet was five stars. Järvsufaks' son has a capacity that goes very far, and if my test case is right here, it will be a very good feat for others to deceive Bråtnesfaks. I hope that Magnus Teien will dare to bet a bit from the start. Although Gundersen has galloped with the horse earlier, I think he has a big thank you to the horse. My only clear first choice on this.

4 Eidshaugsjerven should be very early. Last, in the same race as Vetle Petter and Bråtnesfaks, the horse was driven very passively. The stallion was opened in the middle of the rink and spun well. This is not a horse that can accelerate per second, but the strength is great. The son of Åsajerven is far enough in a race like this. Considered just behind Bråtnesfaks. The same goes for the course 2 Vetle Petter . The pipes his very good crossings are turning for the moment. The last Paris horse delivered to Biri was very strong. Vetle Petter usually gets heavy trips, but can resist them. Considered a hot winner. A 19th century can be 5 Mjølner Focus . Also this one was in phase with the three horses mentioned above. Mjølner Focus went well and showed that he is good in this category. With the maximum run along the way, this horse can be asked for victory. 1 Lome Gant is fifth horse, but probably not good enough in this race. However, he is strong and can run gently for a long time.
Rank V75-5: A: 6 B: 4-2-5-1 C: 9-3-7

V75 -6 / V4-3 / DD-1 – warm blood NM. I think that 4 Photo Lavec has a very good chance of blowing at the tet. Who is the first to promote and take over? 2 Lionel is faster than the main opponent 1 Evil Enok M.E . Lionel was not far from horses like Charrua Forlan and Francais du Gull. But how fast can the horse open with the antons in the sulky? Last in Jarlsberg, the kiss just got up. Today, it rolls well, but I do not think that Anthonsen and Lionel will arrive at the tent at an early age. He can and will gallop. If the bridge, which kisses 1 Evil Enok M.E really tries to charge, does Lionel take a length? I'm not sure of that. Keep in mind that Traveren Brækken kept the same good luck with Charrua Forland in Solvalla third. Then the threshing horse opened very quickly. I really believe that 1 Evil Enok M.E can give the favorite battle for the thing.

1 Mal Enok M.E. This will be my first choice in this race. Yes, 2 Lionel won this race last year and he is a solid passer, but I do not think it is much worse. The 5 year old child is really well developed lately. At Solvalla third, the horse becomes fourth in an hour and a half, and without working laboriously. It's a totally cruel achievement and it shows how good it is. In Bjerke, the horse hurt others at the Oslo Grand Prix. The horse is now the winner of the race when the winner is taken for doping. The bad Enok M.E galloped in the second last round at Jarlsberg last. It was really a shame because the horse looked really great for the day. Without galloping, he could have won. Above the goal, the horse arrived at high speed, and it was anything but empty for power. I fall more and more for this horse, and I think it will be considered a first choice during the race.

2 Lionel. Evenyrhesten at Gøran Antonsen. It was very wise of the circuit around the horse and I put that to Daniel Reden. It really gave the horse extra equipment. There were two gallops at the end now. Finally there was an accident on the photo and it's just forget about it. However, I have not forgotten how much I liked that he galloped on the last lap next time. This is not good. I am not sure of the shape of the horse at that time. However, it must be said that Reason, who is a coach in Sweden, has a huge capacity to prepare horses for important races. Lionel is counting on all the games.

If Lionel gallops and it will be wrong for Evil Enok M.E, I can see a horse for me in this race. We speak of 10 El Diablo B.R . This traver is extremely good at its best, but has struggled to find himself for a while now. Last but not least, it was a great success to follow. He simply removed Queer Fish, and apparently it seemed very easy. If something happened unexpectedly with the two favorites, it's the third clear horse in the race.

The more I will not pay for …
Rank V75-6: A: 1-2 B: 10 C: 4-5-12-11-6-7 -9-3

V75-7 / V4-4 / DD-2 – Horses of cold blood. Cup of the reason. Autostart of 2100 meters
1 Othello de Magnum opened very favorably from the first track the next time, and kept it simple. Does he keep 7 Tekno Teddy da? I do not think so. The latter is fierce, but it is not the Othello de Magnum. I'm looking forward to Tekno Teddy blowing at her here.

2 Grislefaks G.L . It's a very good trip, of which I'm really lucky. Remember that the latter took third place at derbykvalik in Østersund. Without galloping, the horse had never been in the race of today. And without that gallop, the horse had been one of the candidates to win the Swedish derby. The horse stands out very well in this race, with only a few thousand flaps to cross. My personal opinion is that it's the best known horse in the field. Järvsøfaks Jr.'s efforts up to now in his career have been brilliant. Eight starts that he has managed to do. Five victories have become. Fourth on the Momark, the horse decides very easily, and only travels a horse as good as Prince C.K.

The race where Mjølnerød traveren m & # 39; the most impressed is the second of Rättvik. Then he follows the Tekno Eld derbyer throughout the race and matches the speed of the latter in a pleasant way. At the end of the race, these two horses ran at 23 speeds. Now, last time, there was a lot of good, and the horse galloped. It was probably very bad for Mjølnerød, when a derby-class was skewed. Today it is Ole Christian Kjenner who kisses the horse and there is nothing less. The latter is very competent and knows Mjølnerød's horses very well as he works in the stable. 2 Grislefaksen G.L will be my favorite at the end of the race. I bet the horse in the DD game and on the smaller V4 bongs.

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Further in the game V75 1 Othello of Magnum, 4 Langlands Odin, 5 Trout Boy of TB and 7 Tekno Odin Space [19459007getsallthereboundsI'mveryhappytoknowhowlongTeknoTeddywillmanagetoleadthisraceThehorsewasverygoodtovictorylastyearinSwedenHeldapartforonly5trøllguttTBThelatterhowevermadeagooddeathpassinsecondplaceThefirstthatistosaytheOthelloof1MagnumwasbrilliantlastThiswillbethesecondchoiceinthemiddleofthecourseArealgoodhorse
Rank V75-7: A: 2 B: 1-7-4-5 C: 10-12-6-9 D: 8-3-11

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