Guns NÂ ° Roses: – The flag behind Axl Rose can help trouble


Guns rockers N 'Roses delivered a three-hour set for about 40,000 fans at the Valle Hovin Arena in Oslo on Thursday night. But it's not just the main characters Axl Rose, Slash and Duff McKagan who were on stage …

As the pictures of the concert show, a large orange flag with the famous brand Jägermeister logo among members of the band , lights and appliances. Now, the Norwegian Directorate of Public Health tells Dagbladet that they should investigate if the public exhibition is under illegal alcoholic advertising.

– Basically Forbidden

The Director of the Health Directorate, who is responsible for maintaining the Norwegian ban on alcohol advertising, Øyvind Giæver, can not comment specifically about the concert of the Guns N Roses

– This is because we are going to investigate the use of the flag at the concert and evaluate whether this should be considered a case, but for general reasons, I can say that so consciously Marketing invented on a Norwegian market is fundamentally prohibited.

Dagbladet has been in touch with Live Nation's concert organizer Norway, but they do not want to comment on the issue

  ON SCENEN: Singer Axl Rose in Guns' N Roses. Photo: John Terje Pedersen / Dagbladet
ON SCENEN: Singer Axl Rose in Guns N & # 39; Roses. Photo: John Terje Pedersen / Dagbladet
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– Foreign football players, for example, have logos for beer brands on their costumes. Is there an exception?

– All advertising for alcohol is prohibited, with a few exceptions, but alcohol advertising is not an issue of evaluation. The burden of proof lies with us, says Giæver

The article continues under the advertisement

According to section 9-2 of the first paragraph of the Alcohol Act, it is prohibited:

  • To advertise alcoholic beverages.

May be fined

If the Health Directorate considers that the Alcohol Act is violated, it will be fined, but the department head will not say anything about it. # 39; alcohol.

– We operate with two types of fines: violation fees, which are used for simple cuts and foreclosure, which is most relevant for durable breaks. The sum must be in a reasonable proportion of the size of the potential commercial return, "says Giæver.

Guns N Roses is known to be happy in Jägermeister and has been affiliated with the brand for many years. In 2006, the band canceled a concert in Maine in the United States because they were not allowed to enjoy heroism on stage. The well-known story is mentioned on Jägermeister's own sites and has been reported by USA Today

– The law is simple

says Giæver at the Direction of Health

– Someone is alien is not a relevant consideration. What matters is whether the marketing is for Norwegians. The law is simple, there are commercial interests behind it, it's not allowed, says Giæver

An exception is when alcohol is referred to editorialally by the media or blogs.

– There will be mentions and images, but for a long time it's done in a context that does not make marketing, for example, in journals, it's legal.

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