Hagens Canica offers a bonus to Arcus shareholders


Stein Erik Hagens Canica acquired a 33% stake in the spirits producer Arcus, according to a report dated June 12.

Following this purchase, Hagen is committed to bid for the rest of the company's shares.

Oslo Børs today approved the offer to Hagen, which offers the remaining shares worth 45 NOK per share. The price represents a premium of 5.3% over the three-month section per Arcus share. The average price is calculated for the period before the announcement of the offer

The agreement estimates Arcus at about three billion.

The approval period will begin tomorrow and will last until August 5th.

9.92% of Arcus belongs to Geveran Trading Co., a company of John Fredriksen. The DNB Securities Fund holds 5.33 percent, Hoff SA holds 4.85 percent and Sundt AS, controlled by Christian and Else Helene Sundt, owns 4.76 percent

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