Half Lovato: – The Difficult Drug Abuse of Star: Sniffing cocaine every hour and smuggling it into planes


The 25-year-old pop star Demi Lovato is well known for her popular songs, such as "Sorry Not Sorry" and "Stone Cold", for their openness to their personal problems. The star had a sad past and was therefore imposed as spokesperson for the weak

both by music, in interviews and in the book "Staying Strong, 365 days a year". Nevertheless, the pop star continues to be divorced. Tuesday evening, at the Norwegian time, it was learned that the artist had been transported to the hospital after attending a party.

According to a spokesman, the spokesperson is now going well with the star. At the same time, they insisted that there is a lot of false information right now and that they are asking for privacy in this particular time period.

KONSERT: When Demi Lovato gave a concert in Oslo in June 2018, she told about their own education. Video: Henriette Eilertsen
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Cocaine Every Hour

This is not an isolated event in Lovato's life – a life that has been characterized by large amounts of drugs.

Cocaine for the first time. This time she was in the hit "Camp Rock", which in many ways opened several doors. She had her own program of humor, and the pressure on her when the 17-year-old girl rose and rose

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  CHILDREN STARS: Demi Lovato, photographed here in 2008 on the premiere of
CHILDREN STARS: Demi Lovato, pictured here in 2008 at the premiere of "Camp Rock", had a sad life. It all started here, like a teenager. Photo: Scanpix NTB
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– I was scared, because my mother had always said that the heart could blow if you took it. But I did it anyway, and I liked it the first time I took it, she already told Billboard.

The misunderstanding of the mother's warning was the beginning of a long period of abuse for the star. In an interview with Access Hollywood in 2013, she recounted:

– I could not go more than 30 minutes to an hour without cocaine, I took it in my plane, she m 39; This time was told and deepened:

– I smuggled it, waiting for everyone in the first year to sleep and take it here and there. I could take it to the bathroom and do it there. So problematic, and I even had a sponsor with me, a person who came with me 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and someone who lived with me, and I managed to hide it too, "she continued. 19659015] LOVE TO YOU: Demi Lovato told Ellen DeGeneres this week that she's finished worrying about what people think of the photos she's posting in social media. Video: Cars courtesy of TV3
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Rest at work

Lovato recounted an episode in which she feared she had overdosed. Her manager, Phil McIntyre, also remembers that the singer was becoming sober after consuming cocaine for several years

– We were in New York City and it was obvious that she was rushing on something. And she was on the air and promoted her new lifestyle while I was like this: "You're so drunk," he says in the documentary "Demi Lovato: Simply Complicated".

The manager is trying to get help with Lovato, but it has turned out to be easier said than done. The young star was not ready to put the wanderer behind her and did her best to keep the abuse hidden:

  SLEEPING FOR MANY YEARS: Demi Lovato portrayed alongside Britney Spears during the co-star
SLEEP SINCE MANY YEARS: Demi Lovato represented with co-host Britney Spears during the audition "The X Factor" summer 2012. Photo: Getty Images / AFP / NTB scanpix
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– I got baptized, and I cheated with my anti – doping tests with someone else 's urine, she said.

Mental Ill

The manager and the rest of the device around Lovato told them that they had just dropped her. As drug problems intensified, her mental health became more and more exacerbated.

Sangstjerna, who was also a judge in the American "The X Factor," also recounted his experiences with bipolar disorder and self-injury. applies to bipolar disorder, it is a chemical imbalance [i hjernen] and it is something that needs to be done with a personal treatment of a separate team. And it's something that takes time. Now, I have come to a wonderful point, where I can say that it is possible to heal, said Lovato to Today in 2015.

  POPSTJERNES: Although Lovato travels around the world and plays d & # 39; countless concerts each year, she has not finished abandoning the habitats. It has caused problems over and over. Photo: NTB scanpix
POPSTJERNE: Although Lovato travels around the world and plays countless concerts each year, she has not managed to abandon the habitats. It has caused problems over and over. Photo: Scanpix NTB
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The star also suffered from eating disorders for a long time, and hatched stars like Beyoncé and Kim Kardashian in order to normalize more lush bodies.

The manager's threat was nevertheless a revolt that she needed, even though it was not forever. Lovato has several times done a detox to try to get rid of drug problems, and last March, the star was able to report to Twitter that she had reached six years of sobriety, for which she was happy.

She slams that "it's possible" and the message was loved by more than half a million users on the site. After many years of cocaine, alcohol and other drugs

the singer revealed that she struggles daily to keep her sober and that she believes that she should be dead before reaching 21 years old.

– It It is important to work with my physical health, but also my mental health. I go to therapy twice a week, go to medicine, AA meetings, and work hard at the gym. It's a shared priority with US Weekly last fall

Back on the same track

But this summer the star was able to reveal that after six years of sobriety she she was left to fall back on the car. This is in the new single "Sober", which deals with a pronounced substance abuse.

"Mom, I'm so sorry, I'm no longer sober, and daddy, please, forgive me for the drinks I spilled on the floor," said the lord. one of the traits.

and various streaming services, the news was that the star canceled several shows around the world due to "unforeseen events" – without specifying what it was. She was suspected of having resumed her way, according to ET

However, she visited Norway earlier this summer. On June 1, she played in Oslo Spektrum, and received a five-year-old child on the training of VG's critic. From the scene, she spoke openly about her addiction issues and the resulting death in 2013, which also caused tears for the artist and the fans.

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