Hardanger Folkeblad – The next weekend, the moon is completely black!


The moon was new a week ago, that is, it was not visible because it was between us and the sun, so the sunlight does not shine on the surface of the moon facing us. It was new, we only saw a thin sieve on the right side of the moon, but this one has now grown to cover half of the moon and will continue to grow until it is full July 27 and become blackened more!

This is a science fiction writer and science animator, Anne Mette Sannes, and astrophysicist Knut Jørgen Røed Ødegaard who reports what we have to expect

Eclipse record

That day , the Moon will move in the shadow of the Earth. 19659006] When you see the moon rising above the horizon a little before noon. 22 Friday, July 27, it will already be obscured, and the majority (all) of the eclipse will last one hour and 43 minutes.

  ENTUSIASTER: Anne Mette Sannes and Knut Jørgen Røed Ødegaard say that it is a good idea to look at night sky and cloudy summer night.

ENTUSIASTER: Anne Mette Sannes and Knut Jørgen Røed Ødegaard say that it's nice to watch the night sky on a cloudy summer night. Photo: Private

More Things Up There

– Friday night, Jupiter will be seen to the left of the Moon and will form a nice catchy synchro! To the south, the planet ring Saturn becomes visible, though slightly less brilliant than Jupiter and Venus. Around midnight, Mars also appears in the south-southeast, to the left of Saturn, they write in a press release.

– Mars is currently raising a global dust storm that makes the color distinctly yellowish in March and by the end of March will be closer to Earth than in 15 years, making it a spectacular spectacle in the world. southern hemisphere with the full moon eclipsed around Kl. July 23, 27! Written Røed Ødegaard

Earth Eclipse

– On August 11, however, the Moon is located between us and the Sun and we will experience a solar eclipse in the morning. If you were on the moon this morning, you would have seen part of the Earth darken, that is, an "earth eclipse".

Clouds and Meteorites

– The summer nights are also the occasion to shine the night clouds! The phenomenon can be observed only in areas between 45 and 80 degrees north, at dusk and only in summer. The clouds are located in a thin bed about 82 kilometers above the ground, near the outer edge of the atmosphere. The most common clouds are comparable to less than 12 kilometers, write the experts.

And if that's not enough, 11-12. August is the most beautiful meteoric swath of the year, Pleiadene, with up to 100-120 shots per hour.

See also http://www.astroevents.no/stjerneplanetshow.html for more information.

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