Has again shared the family business Kjos


Bjørn Kjos and the family shared the family patrimony – shares of airlines and banks – almost two years ago. The tax rules stipulate that the assets of an unlisted public limited company appear a year later in the private equity.

As a result, the wealth of the three children Lars Ola Kjos (40 years old), Guri Helene Kjos Brecke (38 years old) and Anna Helene Kjos-Mathisen (35 years old) made a quantum leap in the figures of the equation. Last year. The three children had a total capital of 757 million Norwegian kroner and had more wealth than dad.

All four have accumulated assets of 951 million NOK.

In addition, President Bjørn H. Kise (68), owner of Norwegian shares and family Kjos, has a heritage of about 520 million NOK.

Owner for 3.4 billion

Most Kjos family values ​​come from Norway, where Bjørn Kjos and the children indirectly own 22.5% – and from Bank Norwegian, where the family has both direct and indirect ownership of 10%.

  • Based on the current market value, the family owns aircraft shares for just under $ 2.4 billion. Then, the participation of the airline in the bank is included.
  • In addition, the family alone holds bank shares for just over one billion NOK.

In total, the real stock market values ​​of the family amount to less than NOK 3.4 billion.

The shares of the aircraft belong to HBK Holding, owned by the Kjos family (84%), with Bjørn H. Kise (8.2%) and Tore Kjos (7.6%).

The family owns the shares in recent years through the family-owned Observatory Invest. At the beginning of the year, the distribution of the owners was such that Bjørn Kjos had retained the real power:

  • Bjørn Kjos controls 32.5% of the capital and 53.6% of the votes.
  • The three children control 67.5% of the capital and 46.4% of the votes.

Shared again

In a report to the Brønnøysund registries in October this year, the actions of Observatory Invest are divided into four new companies: Athomstart Invest 320 as, KM Observatory Invest (Anna H. Kjos-Mathisen), Green Observatory Invest (Lars Ola Kjos ). ), Gkb Obervatoriet Invest (Guri H. Kjos Brecke).

The new property of each of the family asset companies does not appear, but it is stated that the three classes of shares of the former family-owned Observatory Invest have been lifted. If the distribution of votes now corresponds to the actual ownership and the children have retained the majority of the shares, this may mean that Bjørn Kjos has maintained control of the Norwegian property of the children.

Several family members are involved in Norway beyond Bjørn Kjos, who has been running the company for more than 17 years.

Lars Ola Kjos had different roles in the airline after working for the Norwegian bank from the beginning of the bank more than ten years ago. Today, it plays a central role in the subsidiary Arctic Asset Aviation, which holds many Norwegian aircraft in Norway and was created to secure favorable financing in the international market. Lars Ola Kjos maintains a close dialogue with the Boeing and Airbus airlines, as well as with banks and leasing companies that finance aircraft.

Anna Helene Kjos-Mathisen is a Norwegian pilot. Since 2015, she has worked with crew planning and monitoring at Fornebu Headquarters. Her husband, 36-year-old Stig A. Kjos-Mathisen, also worked on team planning and previously headed the new Norwegian Block Exchange, which will develop new payment solutions and blockbuster ideas. Guri H. Kjos Brecke has been a partner for several years with the Unicef ​​organization, whose main sponsor is also Norwegian.

Will not sell

Bjørn Kjos said about the transfer of shares to children last year:

"It's the young people who decide now, it does not matter how you look at it, we found that it was a good time to do it now, without being affected by death duties.

Later, Norwegian came into play and British IAG, owner of British Airways, wanted to bid for the company. Bjørn Kjos said that he did not want to sell the shares.

In April of this year, he said:

"It's a saying that says" at a pretty high price, it's all for sale. "But I've never really considered that. For me, the ambition has been to drive Norwegian and put the values ​​forward so that shareholders have something to bet on Norwegian.(Conditions)Copyright Dagens Næringsliv AS and / or our suppliers. We would like you to share our business using a link directly to our pages. The copy or any other form of use of all or part of the content may only be done by written authorization or as permitted by law. For other terms please see here.

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