Haugesund newspaper – ready for fireworks without Haugesund: – sad that they do not want to join


FIRE / LIABILITY: The repairs of the County of Haugesund fire department on Monday evening, filed the request of the Municipality of Haugesund to leave the inter-municipal company.

The application has been accepted, which means that the company is going from nine to eight member municipalities

However, this will not happen until 2020 because the cooperation agreement includes a two years notice.

– Sad

Sigmund Lier (AP) was present during the meeting. He says it's sad that Haugesund does not continue …

– At the same time, we must respect the decision made by Haugesund. They have been clear today that they will fulfill their financial obligations relating to cooperation, "he said.

– And the other eight municipalities?

– We are in agreement that we want to build a joint fire and rescue team [19659000] Disagreement over the location of the new main fire station, which is why Haugesund withdraws from the collaboration.

Haugesund's newspaper n & # 39 could not get a statement from Haugesund's rapporteur, Arne-Christian Mohn (Ap) or the mayor of Karmøy Jarle Nilsen (Ap.)


Haugaland IKS is an inter-municipal enterprise created and owned by the municipalities of Bokn, Etne, Haugesund, Karmøy, Suldal, Sveio, Tysvær, Utsira and Vindafjord with a total of 114 140 inhabitants.

The company is under construction and covers all municipalities rights, duties and requirements of the Fires and Explosions Act.

1. In July 2018, Haugaland will take charge of all fire fighting in the nine municipalities.

Time of Entry: The time of the force of effort is alerted until it is at work on the premises. A 10-minute prescription is required for nursing homes, multipurpose businesses and dense residential buildings, if no compensatory measures have been taken for increased risk.

In addition, 20 minutes are required for urban areas.

The elapsed time is the time it takes for the betting force to be alarmed until the first bet is on the place of the event. The time of extraction for the first effort with at least three teams and an emergency chief shall not exceed 10 minutes for the fire:

  • Urban dwellings presenting a particular danger of rapid spread and extended
  • as. The delay may be longer if an automatic extinguishing system is installed, but the delay time must not exceed 20 minutes.

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