Hazard's childhood images spread before the semifinal


See France – Belgium on TV 2 and TV 2 Sumo Tuesday from kl. 19:00

Tuesday, the heavyweights of Belgium and France meet in the first semifinal of the World Cup

This will be a special battle for the star Belgian star Eden Hazard.

See how Belgium sent Brazil and took the semifinal to the top!

Hazard, who plays English daily in Chelsea, grew up in French-speaking Belgium and moved to Lille in the United Kingdom.

In front of the colony, images of Hazard and his two brothers dressed in national team sweaters. France is already 14 years old.

– My brothers and I have always been more supportive of France than Belgium because we grew up with the World Cup in 1998, Eden Hazard told the press.

– I do not want to swear the Belgian national team at that time, they had good players, but for me, France was the same, he continued, according to The Sun.

In the photo of the ascent, Eden Hazard poses with his two brothers in costumes of the French national team from 1998. As we know, France won the Cup World Cup of the World 20 years ago. His semifinal used Hazard's reason to congratulate Kylian Mbappé

Mbappé already said he studied Eden Hazard's play style when the 19-year-old star grew up.

– About Mbappé then I'm looking at him now. What he does is amazing, especially at such a young age.

– The World's Best
Chelsea's team-mates, N & # 39; Golo Kante, also received praise from the Belgian star

In Today's Modern Football I've never seen anything like it before. "In my eyes, he is the best in the world in his position on the pitch.If Kanté is at his best, France has a 95% chance of winning the match.It is up to us to do what is necessary. to stop it and prevent it from catching bullets, concludes the big star of Belgium.

See France – Belgium on TV 2 and TV 2 Sumo Tuesday of 19.00

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