– Here are the messages that reveal how Young Bloods works


At 13:25, Sunday, June 18, last year, an SMS was sent from an unknown cell phone that the police associate with people from the Young Bloods Center

The Message Content is cryptic, but police believe SMS offers medicines:

"4. Different types of weeds have entered the category Pineapple-Express Shotgun Black Domino Express Triple Chees 3G for 500 or Brown 100.

This is a so-called fleet notification sent to nearly 300 recipients. According to the police, they are potential drug buyers.

– We believe that messages like this show that they have organized themselves over time to sell drugs to ordinary people, "said lawyer Andreas Meeg Bentzen. Another example of SMS correspondence between the seller and the buyer

  • 31.03.17, at. 12:26 pm – message received: Super silver mist and pineapple express 3g for 500 and will turn brown soon
  • 03.05.17, kl. 16:39 – message sent, but failed: Are you online?
  • 06.05.17, kl. 14:56 – message received: Candy brown inside!
  • 08.05.17, kl. 19:17 – message received: Blue dream in 3 grams in the bag
  • 16.05.17, kl. 17:08 – message received: Super candy both in the brown and green ring necessary show
  • 17.05.17, kl. 14:26 – message sent: Do you need snow if you correct

Named after the mafiaparagrafen

– Who are the recipients of these flags?

– There are people of all ages from all over Oslo. Most people have gone unpunished until now, "said the police lawyer.

Through investigations and technical investigations, the police received the messages. have been in contact with several buyers who have mostly not been sentenced before.

The SMS investigation has been going on for about a year.The police have launched an appeal to six Young men under Article 79c of the Penal Code, previously called "mafiaparagrafen."

  Here are pictures of the drug crime police that they associate with Young Bloods. (Photo: Police) [19659018] Here are pictures of the drug addiction police that they associate with Young Bloods. </figcaption></figure>
<h2>  Linked to Young Bloods </h2>
<p>  Police now believe that the gang is leading an organized crime </p>
<p>  <span class= – Who are we? these six men?

– This is central members of Young Bloods They are based in the south of O slo, says Meeg-Bentzen

In the petition, taken by the prosecutor Tomasz Edsberg, the police links 9.4 kilos of hashish and marijuana to the six men.

According to the police, drug sales are very sophisticated. They believe that the drug is marketed by several sales phones. These phones are served by security orders. It's through these phones that the so-called fleet message has been sent
According to the police,

The denunciation also includes sharp weapons. There are four revolvers in a shop of a restaurant in Holmlia

They are accused:

  • Man (21 years old) of Lambertseter.
  • Male (21) Holmlia Resident
  • Male (19) Holmlia Resident
  • Male (22) Resident of Holmlia, a famous member of Young Bloods. Was shot in the head in October last year. Is currently a nurse.
  • Man (23) residing in Holmlia. Described as a close ally of the alleged Young Bloods leader
  • Male (24 years old) resident at Lambertseter

21 years of age with a leadership role

The police also believe that four of the men with whom they were in contact Nearly six kilograms of hash were dug up in a kindergarten in Oslo. In addition, several minor addictions were made in the case.

– We are serious about this accusation, "said the police lawyer.

– There are relatively few drugs?

– In isolation, each discovery can be considered small, but we insist on the whole.The most serious thing in this case is that you are trying to sell drugs to a large group of people for more than a year " , said Meeg-Bentzen

. at the head of Holmlia last October, are among the six accused. He is lame and breastfeeding today. The defender of the man, Carl Rieber-Mohn, has not yet spoken to his client

TV 2 knows that one of the accused, a 21-year-old man, should have played a leading role in the sale of medicines.

– My client does not recognize the penalty. He does not recognize much about the prosecution, says human rights defender Osama Ahmad.

The other advocates did not answer TV2's questions, would not comment on the charge or have not yet spoken to their clients.

The Chief of Frifot

The alleged leader of Young Bloods, a 27-year-old man from Holmlia, is still on the verge of being. Although he has been in the limelight of the police on several occasions, the police have failed to convict him for the circumstances that they have lost. "

  The Head of the Unit for Intelligence and Investigations in the Police District of Oslo.
The Head of the Joint Unit for Intelligence and Investigations in the District Police Station, Metlid Link Grete Photo: Tore Meek / NTB Scanpix

The Joint Intelligence and Investigation Unit of the Oslo Police District, Grete Link Metlid qu & # 39 They appealed against six members of Young Bloods Earlier this year, there were three other key figures
in the criminal environment in Holmlia sentenced to long prison terms for gross drug crime.

– We believe this has weakened this criminal environment, she says.

– And the bakers and the chief of the band? an effort and high priority

Although Young Bloods has received a lot of attention lately, Metlid warns that the police can not focus solely on an environment.

– We believe that we have control and that Oslo is a safe city and it is important that we can fight against the criminal environments that pose a threat to different parts of the city, "she says.

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