Here is the robot The article seems to be able to replace your mailbox


It is not just international giants like Amazon who question the automation of deliveries. Now Posten also warns that they will develop a self-propelled letter and a pack of bob.

Postroboten illuminates Posten sees it in a more summery setting.

The robot will be developed in collaboration with another Norwegian company: Buddy Mobility. Until now, the robot itself is not ready yet, but a first edition is in progress and will appear during Arendalsuka in August.

In the press release, Posten is quite clear about what the concept will be

It's a small vibrating box at speeds of up to 6 kilometers per hour. It will be able to cover 100 households and drive households in the area in the morning and evening. For package delivery, Posten considers that you order delivery directly at the door when it suits you

Read also: Amazon provides its first drone package "

The post: – We must overcome skepticism

The station's press secretary, John Eckhoff, is excited about how the robot will be received when it appears in homes. Photo: Thomas Brun, Norway Post

– Do you have trouble with the robot?

– Part of what we have to overcome is skepticism when we are developing new technologies. We are early enough and we want to be at the forefront. Both because the volume of letters falls and because we want to create new solutions for customers. But when we are so early, there will automatically be some skepticism. We hope we get closer to the customer and customer choice, says John Eckhoff, press officer at the Norwegian Post

– Do you know when they start to function normally?

– In addition to the test period, we are not quite the time horizon. The test period will clarify how it works on Norwegian lead and internal operating conditions. But we are not talking many years in advance – 2019 is at hand

We must test the Norwegian road conditions

When the time is right, the robot will be able to replace the letterbox of the day. ; aujourd & # 39; hui. the letter, and a code to open it when the robot is nearby. But it's not just the customer's request that can be a challenge.

– How does it work with the dispensing device? How do customers treat them? They will be notified when they receive a package or letter – how do they see this as a replacement for the mailbox of today? It is clear that the weather, the state of the roads and the roads are obvious things, "said Mr. Eckhoff

. The post office is obviously driving in the distribution center at night. If it acts as a delivery mailbox, it can be emptied before it is filled during the night.

– Then he runs slowly and slowly and places himself in the neighborhood. In a thoughtful situation, for example, it's raining, you can order the robot at home where you are.

Most relevant in densely populated areas

– Is this something that can be used throughout the country? only in smaller areas?

– This is most relevant in densely populated areas. Among other things, it's about the range – both the battery capacity and the distance. The robot runs at 6 km / h and needs to come and go …

– Is the robot designed to deal with the infrastructure you already own or is it it necessary for smaller and closer packing centers? The robot can pick up?

– Norway Post already has the smallest network of small distribution units, with more than 300 locations across the country. The press officer also points out that the extensive network developed by the company in Norway makes them able to test this type of technology, even if they do not do it alone. 19659004] – The robot is manufactured in collaboration with Buddy Mobility. Norway Post does not develop its own technology, but we want to cooperate with other autonomous actors. We find that there are many actors who can use Posten Norway as a test area because we have an infrastructure across the country and an established test apparatus. This also applies to other solutions of autonomy, explains Eckhoff

The robot will be tested in Kongsberg by the end of the year

More and more robots [19659026] One of the delivery drones of Amazon. The Net giant tested them at the end of the year 2016. It is one of the many projects that attempt a more or less robotic delivery Image: Amazon

In the increasing automation of our environment, robots and drones a lot of attention. Amazon has speculated both in deliveries with robots and in the use of drones for shorter trips.

A variety of concepts for neighborhood supplies such as food is also available. the population should not have ordered.

In military contexts, Boston Dynamics products have received a lot of attention. The company's four-legged robots are designed to carry heavy loads for soldiers on the ground. But when the company markets its products, it often harasses robots so they can see how hard they can resist before ignoring them.

Military objectives and more ordinary domestic tasks are closely related to these products. For example, the iRobot Vacuum Cleaning Robot creates the two Roomba vacuums to keep your living room clean and the military robots for the fields.

If you are looking for your own robot for the living room, we have collected robot vacuums. The test can be found here »

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