Several NRKs talked with people to tell them how to cut down fences and climb trees trying to get out after the show ends at 11:00 PM.
The video was recorded at 11:20 pm This shows that people are trying to demolish the fence while the guards are almost torn apart as they try to maintain the barriers.
The scenes are reminiscent of Holmenkollen's chaos this winter.
There were two exits at the end of the festival area that all had to be thrown through.
– This was a plan that was done in consultation with the security company and the authorities. For the safety of people, it is important that they be excluded so that everyone does not get out of the street, "says Peer Osmundsvaag, general manager of the Atomic Soul Organizer
– How do you look at people trying to shoot fences?
– We have never experienced it before. It may be because someone in the public is not used to attending large concerts, says Osmundsvag.
The artist Eminem drew 55,000 people to Voldsløkka in Oslo.
Photo: Fredrik Hagen / NTB scanpix
The police can not go into details about the security of the event Sunday afternoon
– Overall, it is not the case. There were no particular difficulties or serious events related to the event described in history. But I can not rule out that there has been something, "says the director of operations Steinar Hausvik at the police in Oslo.
The prosec prosecutor says that there is not much to do differently: 55,000 will go out at a time, so there must be a queue, it is not possible to We have more outings there, because we have to regulate the number of people, otherwise we lose control, but next time we have to have barricades that can not move or roll, "says security chief Henning. Kristiansen
Many positive people
have spoken to people who have had a positive concert experience.Also on the Facebook page of the event are many positive.
That's also Prosec's security company:
– The people behaved largely exemplary.Our side, it was a very successful event.It is an age group with adults and young men that often mean a lot of bustle and noise. Kristiansen says, "We had a lot less trouble than expected," says Kristiansen.
One of the participants at the concert said that it was very well organized
– It was good with food and drinks Kjell-Erik Gillesen at NRK
Another told the artists that they are very happy, but that they are unhappy with the efforts of the organizer.
– It was easy to recover but the sound was terribly bad, the queues were long and there was plenty of space at the bar when we finally arrived, says Paudy Kenny.
Among the critics who come from the public include:
- Hustle and bustle
- Hasj
- Urination and people in their own right
Trængsel og kø
More complaints about long queues and poor logistics.
"History! – Bad! The worst thing ever! How does someone manage to plan something so big but so ugly! I have been with a lot of people, I have collaborated with a lot of people and have participated in many concerts and festivals – this is clearly the worst on all levels. How Oslo the summer time has managed to destroy something as big as Eminem and so great for so many people are not good … 40 minutes barkø, 30 minutes dokø … closed bars long before closing … eleeeeendig lyd …, writes a man on the Facebook page of the event.
– We had two measurements of 100 meters. It was a new area for people and we saw that there were some clusters, while there was a good flow in two thirds of the bar. As a result, people have experienced it unlike, but most of them are positive, Osmundsvag answers.
Several reports of strong hashish smell on the area.
– I did not notice anything even when I was walking in the area. Those who are discovered with this must be thrown away. Of course, it is worrying, but with so many people from all sectors of society, this can unfortunately happen. Our security guards will ensure that people come to the police when the spectators do not comply with Norwegian law, "says Osmundsvag.
The chief of the security services told NRK that he was not noticing anything for drugs
Eminem and the clowns in the battle, but people standing and peeing in the glass of beer and throwing it in the air is a little drunk. Guards who are completely absent when we try to say. And 14-year-old boys even received an offer to buy hay in the area. They saw and saw more pills in circulation or in a pharmacy of average size. But we ate ourselves, "wrote an audience on Facebook
– I have not seen anything about it, but that's what you need to hear from our security guards," says Osmundsvag . According to the head of security, Kristiansen, who can not provide the exact number of people to evict, the number of spectators was very low,
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