Hyundai Selects Electric Cars – "Exceptional" Interest in Hydrogen Cars


"It's hectic and exciting during the day." Authentic products are attracting interest, such as the message from Thomas Rosvold, Christian Stenbo and Øyvind Knudsen at the Paris Motor Show earlier in October.

It is natural that the Kona electric car focuses much of its attention on the moment.

"We are in the start-up phase for Kona now, so far 500 electric cars have been delivered," said Rosvold. To date, Hyundai has sold more than 8,000 Kona Electrics in Norway.

However, if you have not already ordered your car, you must linger patiently. The importer believes that if you order Kona today, you have to wait until 2020 before receiving the car.

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Hyundai Kona Electric. Photo: Hyundai

– Norway gets a third of European production. We are working on more cars, "said Hyundai.

But Hyundai also has an alternative to those who can not wait for Kona. One of the most efficient electric cars on the market. Ioniq has reduced delivery times thanks to better access to cars.

"Now you have to wait four to six months with the car, but delivery times will be shorter in the future," says Rosvold.

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Hyundai has a new electric car platform at the time.

– In a few years, we will cover all the needs of electric cars. This is no longer a niche product, says Hyundai Peaks.

Nor is it a question of changing the portfolio of fossil fuel cars to electricity and hydrogen.

"We have a network of fossil dealers, we have not been able to deliver thousands of electric cars in a short time, we need to lift the skills," said Rosvold.

Hyundai firmly believes in hydrogen cars in the future.

"Hydrogen has received too much negative attention," Rosvold said following media coverage of Hyop's closing of five gas stations in eastern Norway. .

"Hydrogen is incredibly exciting, now the products are here, what we need is a political commitment.

Hyundai management reports a major public interest in hydrogen cars:

– 1,000 reported their interest in Nexo. It is exceptional.

Hyundai Nexo. Photo: Hyundai

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