– I wish these star pictures could avoid tights and games


Filmed Mbappé? See the situation at the top and judge yourself!

Midfielder in the second quarter of the quarterfinals against Uruguay, Kylian Mbappé fell to the ground after a duel with Christian Rodriguez

The attacker was lying on the grass. Diego Godín and the Uruguayan players who thought that the young man was too strong.

– The goddess generally fails, says Øyvind Alsaker, a suspicious viewer

The TV shows also show that Mbappé was hit by Rodríguez's arm. stomach but the contact was minimal.

– It seems very useless to lie down on it. It seems that Rodriguez is provoked that Mbappé plays with the heels park and tells him the TV commentator Petter Myhre

– We discussed Neymar earlier in this championship, we want these star pictures avoiding nonsense and tears and games, said a given Alsaker.

The situation triggered both blows and blows between the two teams while Mbappe was still on the grass. Judge Néstor Pitana received his response to keep the tumult under control.

– Now you must exercise your authority, Pitana.

Luis Suarez was really hot at the top and finally Paul Pogba also reported

Pogba was sent off by furious teammates who feared the midfielder would take a yellow card. The referee finally solved the situation by giving Rodriguez and Mbappé a yellow card, while Godin and Pogba, among others,

The Manchester United player can congratulate him. He had to pass the semifinal with a new card since he had already received a yellow card of the championship.

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