"If the market is wrong, there will be many unpredictable consequences – DN.no


Broker Knut Brundtland heads for Hvaler whale paradise for tennis and swimming. ABG Manager Sundal Collier has just presented the brokerage results for the second quarter in the premises of Vika in Oslo.

He made one million pre-tax profits this year, a total of NOK 70 million. In the quarterly report, he believes that he must be aware of the risks of the potential trade war between the United States and China.

– This will affect growth and can lead to high volatility in the market, "he says

" It's a game "

The manager likes to draw the long lines:

– After the war, we have an international situation where the direction has been globalization, liberalization and the reduction of trade barriers.There has been a long trend and we are now witnessing a clear shift in the attitude of the most Great economy and superpower of the world, which is now evolving towards a more bilateral attitude towards the world, he says to DN


– The market has not yet assumed that it was in the direction we are taking, says Brundtland, who also noted that stock exchanges do not specifically address the trade dispute between the United States and China.

– It's a game and a way to get rid of balances and impossibilities that the Am have long felt,

Expects Trump to agree

Last week, US President Donald Trump announced that he has initiated a process of introducing additional new rights on Chinese goods imports worth $ 200 billion. China said it will respond, while Trump has been very consistent in not accepting China 's opposition.

Trump has raised in recent days a lot of criticism of several American politicians for his commercial justice.

– I think, "I think it's going to get back to normal, but I can not rule out the opposite," says Brundtland.

– The rational money market believes that rational people make rational decisions. If you make a mistake, there are many unrealistic consequences, he says.

He believes that many companies will make decisions on the ice and that the investment climate will be lower, which will affect the market. In addition, significant tariffs will affect consumer prices in the countries where imports take place, which will put pressure on inflation and also on interest rates.

– What happens when interest rates come up? All the rest is not as positive for the financial markets, says ABG boss

– If you had had coffee with Trump, what would you have told him?

– Do not do too much of it until now, it gets out of control. Make sure to close the transaction when it is acceptable, do not push it too far. I think it will agree

Believe in Oil

ABG Sundal Collier provides advice and financial facilities to companies and investors, so virtually no risk on the stock market. The brokerage has some investment in the market, but a trade war will be of minimal importance, according to Brundtland.

The manager believes that there is still more to do on Oslo Børs in the future, but that yields will change

In the future, it is positive for the oil sector, oil service and shipping. (Terms)

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