In a television call after the loss of England


  • Croatia – England 2-1 e.e.o.

MOSKVA (Dagbladet): It was a bitter pill to swallow for England when the team missed the semifinal of the World Cup against Croatia on Wednesday night. Croatia won 2-1 after extra rounds and will play the World Cup final against France on Saturday. England meets Belgium at the Bronze Final the day before

In the ITV workshop in England, former Manchester United player Roy Keane was invited to the semi-final . His statements ended what Labor politician Ed Miliban took on Twitter:

  PLAYERS SURPRISING: - Heroes. We are proud of you all together, writes Daily Mirror today.
PLAYERS IN SURGERY: – Heroes. We are proud of you all together, writes the Daily Mirror today.
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– Roy Keane is just terrible. Sorry, he wrote

Many thought that Keane – who himself played 66 international matches for Ireland – was too negative in his criticism of England. He thought the team did not deserve to win against Croatia

Keane was in a studio with former former Arsenal player Ian Wright and Gary Neville, former Manchester United team-mate.

– Croatia got stronger in the match. They were wiser and showed more peace and control. England gave two botched goals, Keane said, which ended in a heated debate with Wright.

Keane's appearances on television were introduced by all English newspapers that night, including the Daily Telegraph and the Evening Standard

A few days ago: We must fight at once. I've already heard that people have started talking about the finals and that football should come home (in England). You are all planning parade, Keane

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This prompted Wright to reply:

– Why can not we be a little excited? It is something exciting. People did not even expect us to go to the semi-finals. Why can not you be happy that we are happy?

  APPLAUS: - We lived the dream. Thank you, England, writes the Daily Express
APPLAUS: – We lived the dream. Thank you, England, writes the Daily Express.
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Keane believes that it was unlikely that England wins.

– This fight strikes you where it hurts most and you all suffer. The most difficult step is to arrive at the final. You have to kick yourself, but it has become too hard. Harry Kane just looked slowly today. Many players did not even win a trophy. It's unlikely that the first trophy you win is the World Cup title.

About the player involved in the second game, Jone Stones, Keane says:

– He was looking at the ball.

Up to this point, the discussion with Wright indicated that Wright said "now it's over" with Keane's accent. That liked Keane and replied:

  DEPPA KANE: Daily Mail writes that the English team has led the nation together.
DEPPA KANE: Daily Mail writes that the English team led the nation together.
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– You know what I'm talking about You are just embarrassing for yourself.

Keane gets both the support and the slaughter of social media for their statements. At the same time, English newspapers are generally positive in their speech today:

– Heroes. We are proud of you all, writes Daily Mirror everywhere on the front page. On the page, the newspaper writes:

– National taxes. The courageous lions of Southgate have found faith in England, despite a painful defeat in Moscow. "I can not demand more players," says the coach.

– We lived the dream. Thank you, England, writing the Daily Express

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