In two years, football will be guaranteed at home


MOSKVA: Despite the fact that all of England has been singing again and again, football has not come back this year either.

This happens in two years, however, when the semifinal and EM final are played. Wembley in the UEFA championship has chosen to expand in 12 cities across Europe.

– We will try again in the European Championships in two years. We have a young and inexperienced team, and no one expected us to go so far now. All we can do is improve ourselves, individually and as a team, says Harry Kane.

The last time the English people played in an international semifinal at home EM in 1996. Kane worries that it will not be as long for next time.

– It can not exceed 20 years until it happens again. Aftenposten asked the top scorer of the World Cup when he felt that a semi – final World Cup was a chance that only happened once. in his life.

– We do not know if this opportunity will come up so often. We led 1-0 at the break and were in a good position. It will always be like looking back and thinking that you could do something different, but that's part of football.

No longer build on sandy terrain

In the 2020 EM, matches from any of the six groups will be played at Wembley and Hampden Park in Glasgow. London is also hosting a seventh final. So, there may be a lot of home games for Gareth Southgate's men

Kyle Walker believes the team is now building a home on a solid foundation.

– In the past, it was probably built on sand. Now we have built a good foundation, so we must continue and make sure we build an empire, "said the Manchester City player.

The team left Moscow knowing that it created a Enthusiastic enthusiasm at home in England On Saturday, they compete in the bronze final against Belgium in St. Petersburg, but no matter the outcome, it is the starting point of the road after the humiliating defeat of the United States. Iceland in EM two years ago

Supporters sang to one night

Then they were ridiculed both at home and abroad. On Wednesday, the fans stood at one o'clock in the night while they were waiting for Southgate to come out and receive a new tribute tour

– When we compare the fans' reaction after the fight with the one who was two years ago, it tells players that this can be a positive experience and an experience to play for England. This shows them that the country is very proud of what they did and how they played. "It would be a pleasure to take it away," said Southgate.

He and the players knew that a bronze final is essentially the fight that nobody wants to play, but that they are ready to make the most of

Kane was at least ready to play

– We will play as much pride as we can but we will always be sorry and think about what could have been.

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