Increased seizures of cocaine, heroin and synthetic drugs: – Record confiscation of synthetic drugs constituting a life-threatening drug


Customs statistics for the first half of 2018, released on Thursday, show that more cocaine, heroin, and synthetic drugs have been seized so far this year, compared to the same period last year. Last year.

New Jersey in the United States was breathing the dust of a kaffiranil paste. The experience is described as if the body had just been lost. Video: DEA
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– The amount of heroin and cocaine in the first half of 2018 has increased since 2017, and the background is that we have had large individual seizures of these substances, "says Dag Jørstad, Department of Control in Tolldirektorat

Jørstad says to Dagbladet

This type of synthesized drug can be up to 10,000 times stronger than traditional drugs, and is potentially lethal even in small amounts warns the Customs website on its own web pages.

"We are concerned that seizures of these new substances will increase because they are very powerful, "says Jørstad.

" New psychoactive substances "(NPS) are chemical substitutes for traditional medicines, and can be divided into major groups: phenethylamines, katinones, piped razines, tryptamines, synthetic cannabinoids and other substances ", explains Jørstad

– Examples may be: fentanyls (carfentanyl, furanylphenanyl), MDPV, LSD and" synthetic cannabis ". Last year, a 15-year-old Norwegian boy died in the boys' room after taking the carfentanil variant, which he had probably ordered on the dark network

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– Ill Danger [19659005] In September 2016, the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) issued a warning to all operational police authorities that they should be extremely cautious in all cases with synthetic opiates fentanil and carfentanil.

– Karfentanil appears in more and more contexts. It's morbidly dangerous. The warning came a month after at least 96 heroin users took an overdose during a single week – in a single Ohio municipality.

Confiscation this year

The customs authorities also report having seized a greater quantity of heroin and cocaine in 2018 than the first half of 2017.

It was seized on 30.06 this year :

  • Amphetamine: 53 046 grams
  • Cannabis: 132 970 grams
  • Heroin: 22 578 grams [19659019] Cocaine 10 902 grams
  • Khat (fresh and dried) 1,232 kg
  • New psychoactive substances (NPS) – gram 523 grams
  • New psychoactive substances (NPS) – pcs 826 pcs 7 99 pcs

Beer and Wine

After a few years of the increase in alcohol seizure is now a reduction in the first half of 2018, according to the agency.

The easy seizures of beer and wine are at the same level as before, but the customs union did not seize them as big parties. Our foreclosure figures may indicate that large amounts of alcohol have been replaced by less alcohol in each shipment.

Customs statistics for the first half of 2018 also contain 17 million kroner, 12 tons of meat products, 4.4 tons of fish and

although there is an increase in Heroin and cocaine, there is a reduction in the amount of amphetamine and cannabis seized.

– Priority Area

– Drug Control and Seizure is a Priority "We are always trying to improve," says Jørstad, adding that the flow of goods to and from Norway is increasing and becoming more and more complex

– The amount of information is increasing and so are the customs authorities. to achieve positive effects for society. The customs office carries out extensive control activities related to the import and export of goods, and it is clear that control activities must be knowledge-based and targeted, "says Jørstad, [19659002] . competent officials to advance customs control activities .

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