Iraqi stuck in the throat at the reception of the Dikemark asylum


Police sent numerous patrols to the asylum reception after the attack, which occurred Thursday afternoon.

– We received a message shortly before 2 pm: a man was stabbed in the throat with a sharp object. He was aware when he was transported in an ambulance to the hospital. But it is too early to say he is seriously injured, said operations director Marianne Heidenstrøm in the police district of Oslo at VG right after the incident.

The alleged perpetrator was arrested and brought to court. According to Budstikka, the man is a 28-year-old Sudanese who came to Norway in 2014. The injured man must be a 36-year-old Iraqi who arrived in Norway in 2015.

Deputy Chief of Police Brian Skotnes announces that the man was stabbed in the throat area, and that there was ice cream in the wound. It should not be a knife but another sharp object. Police intercepted a cup of blood.

Up to now, no pattern of violence has been revealed. Police heard Thursday afternoon witnesses – employees and asylum seekers. In addition, crime technicians, as well as a police dog, were in place to search for the object with which he is stung, writes Budstikka.

(© NTB)

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