Ivar Nikolaisen is a new singer in Kvelertak


The case is updated

In a press release from the metal band, Nikolaisen, 39, says that he does not intend to copy his predecessor.

– Erlend is a lion. I am a little rat! But this rat is reasonably angry and full of infection and plague, ready to spread wildlife to new heights! But most of all, I can not wait to never go to work again, he says.

Kvelertak has already made his first appearance in a public space at the Mountain Park Festival

Not quite new

The Nikolais has been performing for Kvelertak since 2009 and has contributed songs to the song "Blodstørst "already on the first album of the band" Kvelertak "the following year. He was for many years singer in the punk band Silver and also sings in The Good Bad and The Zugly

39 years old, brother of the artists Emil, Hilma and Elvira Nikolaisen

– I am a big fan of Kvelertak. since I first saw them almost 10 years ago. It's an honor to be allowed to take part in the machine, "said Nikolaisen in the press release

Hjelvik surprised

Kvelertak was launched in 2007 and plated baptized three years later Last year, they had the honor of warming up for Metallica themselves, for the first time, on tour in 2014.

The group will complete the program of the summer before to go to the studio this fall to record the next album with release scheduled for 2019, it is stated in the press release.

On Monday this week, Hjelvik fans shocked when he announced on Facebook that he was in the news. he had finished as a front figure of Kvelertak

– Having helped to establish a fun and rewarding hit band, but it was also intense and challenging, that hurt me. have developed personally and professionally, the objectives, the wishes and the The motives changed and led us in different directions, he writes on the group's Facebook page.

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