Jan Henry T. Olsen is defeated today


At the age of 11, began the initiation of the former Minister of Fisheries and County Councilor, Jan Henry T. Olsen. Many famous personalities of Olsen public life have taken the path due to the assault of the former fisherman.

Olsen died Tuesday, June 10, 61 years old.

– It is sad to announce that my dear Jan Henry and I left early in the morning, – sad for us, but the family is I agree that it is a relief for him that he finally got peace from all the plagues that he suffered from the disease, writes his wife, Laila Lanes, on Facebook.

Photo: Ronald Johansen

Labor Party politician Jan Henry T. Olsen was governor of Troms County from 1991 to 1992, then secretary of fisheries until 1996. He was the key to negotiations between Norway and the EU, where he was nicknamed "No Fish Olsen". "When he said in the negotiations that Norway had no fish to give in. Meanwhile, however, he turned his eyes to the EU and agreed to Norway becoming a member.

Former Minister of Fisheries reported on Alzheimer's disease in 2008 while he was 51. He has since been opened to the disease.

In iTromsø named Jan Henry T. Olsen and his wife Laila Lanes for the Tromsøvær of the year for their opening on Alzheimer's disease

iTromsø returns with more.

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