Justin Bieber confirms the commitment and thanks God


The artist Justin Bieber confirms that he is engaged and shows the devotion of Instagram to boyfriend Hailey Baldwin, family values ​​and God.

In his personal and euphoric Instagram post, he writes how he is in love with the model and that he will use life to know all sides of it.

– I promise to guide our family with glory and integrity and to let Jesus by the Holy Spirit guide us in everything we do and every decision we make. My heart is entirely yours, and I will always put you first, "he says.

Moreover, he specifies that Baldwin, as he has already done, but this last period for about a month is the great love of his life. . He also believes that the best moment of his life is before him, and that life makes sense when he is with her.

– The timing of God is really perfect. We got engaged on the seventh day of the seventh month, the number seven is the number of spiritual perfection, that's right, google! Is not it crazy?

Bieber's two parents were on social networks with happy messages that more or less confirmed a commitment on the sacred weekend, and Bieber writes in his message that what it seems the most, it's not the same. is that the little sister and her little brother Now, let's see a healthy and stable marriage.

(© NTB)

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