Juventus does not reject Ronaldo's interest in the stock market announcement


Rumors that Cristiano Ronaldo is on his way to Juventus have resulted in an increase in the club's course of action. In a stock market report, the club does not confirm or reject the rumors.

Juventus shares have risen since rumors of a transition have increased in strength and frequency. The rate has risen to just over 11% on Thursday and 5% on Friday.

At the request of the exchange, Juventus came out with a message

– Juventus will specify that the club during the transition period is considering various opportunities in the market. When we have finished some of the possible transitions, we will inform, according to the law.

Ronaldo has hinted that Real Madrid's third league leagues may be far from the club. He said he would say more about his future when Portugal participated in the World Cup final, but he did not do it.

Portugal was eliminated from Uruguay in the eighth final and while Ronaldo is on vacation, the rumor is 100 million euros.

(© NTB)

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