Kathrine Sørland with home accident: – – He said that knee and blood sprinkled


Model and programmer Kathrine Sørland (38 years old) has just finished recording "Farmen celebrity", but that does not mean that she has quietly and calmly started her summer vacation.

Sørland had the intention of enjoying some beautiful Christmas days at Nesøya in Asker, with her husband Andreas Holck and their son Leon.

On Instagram Story, 38-year-olds share However, a holiday image slightly different from that of most people.

Lying on a hospital bed with her hands crossed over her head, she writes, "Start your break with a broken toe."

In Dagbladet, Sørland explains It's all about of an umbrella that would not cooperate.

– I made myself a concrete parasol foot on my toes when I moved the umbrella from one place to another. She said a crack and the blood splattered, she tells.

  SAY: Kathrine Sørland had stitches, bandages and crutches in the
MEASURED: Kathrine Sørland had stitches, bandages and crutches in the "garden". ;summer". Photo: Private
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The 38-year-old man then went to the hospital, where he had to remove all the nail and sew a big cut under the fingernail.

– Then they stitch up the dead nail to protect themselves, she says

  REALLY SIMILAR: In addition to a crooked bad toe, Kathrine Sørland also drew broken legs into the foot after the brutal encounter with the parasol. Photo: Private
REALLY SIMILAR: In addition to a twisted crooked toe, Kathrine Sørland also drew fractures in the foot after the direct encounter with the parasol. Photo: Private
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The Breach of the Foot

In addition to all the blood and the parasol crash cut deep, Sørland ended everything because the profile of the TV also broke his legs just-in-time. top of the foot

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She does not let the crutches end the holidays, and Sørland adds that the she is en route to a "small mini-break" Island with the family

And a trip to "Sagalandet" is not the only trip that she and her family will make this summer.

– It will be Majorca in a week with a friend and the "cabin" Spain, subsequently, she explains to Dagbladet

NOT REDUCED TO SHOW THE SKIN: Supermodel Kathrine Sørland is ready to show off the skin in this "Should We Dance" season. Video: Thomas Rasmus Skaug / Dagbladet See more
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He missed the son of "Farmen"

Not long ago, Kathrine Sørland came back from the recording "Farmen celebrity". However, the program will not be displayed until January next year, but she is already looking forward to seeing the final result on the screen.

– It will be very exciting and interesting

Before Sørland goes to the farm of reality with the other participants, she could tell Dagbladet that it was difficult to leave Leon's house at home.

– I really want to miss my boy! He's still the mother's little boy, kind, smart and caring, so it's going to be pretty hard to get away from him, "she says at that time.

So the meeting with the son who lasts ten years until the fall is difficult. joyful.

– It was amazing to see little Leo again. I miss him completely crazy, concludes Kathrine Sørland.

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