Kongsberg Group acquires Rolls-Royce Commercial Marine


"I wish we could keep the maritime professional environment, develop and develop this," says Markussen

Confederate satisfied

NITO's chief of confidence in Rolls-Royce Marine, Rolv Aakre, believes that the group of companies is satisfied that it is the Norwegian group Kongsberg who buys the company.

– We do not know how the future will be, but we are impatient and think it will be exciting. We look forward to working with Kongsberg Group representatives, "said Aakre.

 Image of the Rolls-Royce logo from the press release

World leader

The merger strengthens the professional competence of both companies, Markussen points out. "When two important industry giants in Norway merge, we get an even stronger business environment, I think it's important for Norwegian engineers."

– This business will be big and powerful and will be able to take a leading global position in many areas in which we work, "says Aakre. "At NITO, we look forward to getting things done and putting them together in one company. It is also nice to hear about the elected representatives of the minister.

State aid

The acquisition, worth 5.3 billion, is supported by 2.5 billion Norwegian state

– C & # 39; is an important issue for the Kongsberg Group, Rolls-Royce Commercial Marine and the Norwegian Maritime Industry. Both companies are now world leaders in their fields. They have a lot of employees in Norway, while having a broad international business, "said Torbjørn Røe Isaksen, Minister of Industry, in a message NTB

He adds that the decision on the 39, Acquisition and expansion of capital is the decision of the Council.

Storting's chairman, Geir Pollestad (Sp), is enthusiastic about the acquisition and pledges support from the Center Party to the United States.

– This is a brilliant solution.I am glad that we are now strengthening the Norwegian ownership of the maritime industry, "Pollestad told NTB.

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