Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott: – – Then began our romantic relationship


Kylie Jenner is only 20 years old, but has already served with her own cosmetics company Kylie Cosmetics – which she launched in 2016.

This month, Forbes magazine publishes the prestigious list of "the richest women of the United States selfmade ", where the young TV star is in an impressive 27th place.

According to the magazine, Kylie has accumulated a fortune of $ 900 million in less than three years.

Since April 2017, she is the girlfriend of the successful rapper Travis Scott (27 years), and in February, the duo becomes parents of the small Stormi Webster (5 months and a half)

In a new interview with the magazine GQ, where the duo also adorns the front page after taking part in a great photo shoot, Kylie and Travis now open on the relationship and the huge attention of Fn and press

– We will not go so far, says the TV star to the magazine.

Travis hates going to the restaurant.

The Story Continues Further

Whirlwind Romance

In addition, Kylie reveals that they met for the first time at the Coachella Music Festival the year last and finally ended up hanging on it. 19659004] Then he went quickly for the turtle's toes. Travis was on tour, and Coachella was just one of the stops on the road

The article goes on during the advertisement

– He told me; "I have to go on tour, what are we doing with that?" Because it was quite open that we loved each other, "says Jenner

– and I answered something like," I'm # 39; will then hear with you. "

So, the romance with Kylie and her began seven-year flame.

– I jumped on the bus and we left at sunset. I was with him throughout the tour, she reveals to the magazine

The case continues further down

– That's what your mother said and the rest of your family? Ask the reporter

– She knows I'm driving my own race.All my family know that I always do what I want.That's how I've been all my life I do not tell anyone, I live my own life, so I joined

– We had a lot of time, it was organic, we could go to all these random cities and there we have to be the ones we really are. If we had been to Los Angeles for example, I think everything would be completely different. There was an opinion with everything that happened. We did not go out together like "Kylie and Trav". In Cleveland we walked the streets for hours. We could walk around completely without anyone disturbing us.

"Kardashian Curse"

And that's an important thing for Kylie. As soon as she is in Hollywood, or so fast and that fans just want to visit other places in the world, the media circus continues.

The case continues further down.

Even the 20-year-old has grown in the limelight, but the huge attention can be difficult to face with newcomers to the Kardashian / Jenner clan.

The whole family went through a series of public romantic bullying, and he went so far that the fans were saved. New men were involved with one of the family members, fearing to be exposed to the "Kardashian curse," GQ writes.

But Travis Scott is not afraid.

– I'm not following that. Kylie really likes me. What should I be nervous about? I have my own little island. So hello, come here in this amusement park. I do not care about all the other shits. I do not mean that way. I left here. Kylie is different, he says in the magazine

Kylie, who was with rapper Tyga (28) just before Travis, realized that he could be overwhelmed by all the pressure of the outside and admits that the girlfriend in the honor

– I do not think that he thinks it's crazy, but he's taking care of it because we we love and we are a family. I know that he does not like attention. That's why we take so much care to keep our relationship super private. For example, if he has an event, I will not go there. Because I want him to do his own thing. I want him to be him. Not that Kylie and Trav. It's nice that people do not see us together to do our own thing.

The story continues further down

Travis has a romantic page

The duo did not have a lot of time to take care of the lonely love they became parents. And while there are hectic days with a little baby at home, Kylie says your relationship is stronger than ever.

They also have their own ways of resolving conflicts.

Recently, the Houston TV star went to see Travis a few hours after they had been arguing over the phone. 19659038] – I have accepted to pass a paternity exam for exams "data-srcset =" // 202 & height = 136 & compression = 80 640w, // 1024w, // imageId = 69672793 & x = 5.8981233243968 & y = 4.416961130742 & cropw = 86.327077747989 & croph = 38.162544169611 & width = 404 & height = 272 & compression = 70 320w "src =" = 38.162544169611 & width = 322 & height = 217 & compression = 80 "/>





– I did not tell what had happened or belonged to anyone, but I had to go there since we were arguing. We are a family now. When we argue, it is usually because we are far apart for too long, and this time we had not seen each other in two weeks. Storm is too young to travel with me, so it's harder for us to see each other, she shares the interview.

Therefore, Kim Kardashian's youngest sister decided to fly to Houston and fix the problem

– I've always said that I wanted a stormy jewelry, and when I did not, I did not want it. I landed in Houston, he'd made me one, she reveals.

– But the most romantic thing he's ever done for me was for my birthday Then he woke me up at six in the morning and said, "We have to leave". I was half empty and I did not understand anything. He pulled me out of bed and drove me through the house at sunrise where there were countless flowers and violin players. ” data-srcset=”// 640w, // 1024w, // 320w” data-defer=”view” src=””/>

– The engagement came as a shock

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