Lance Armstrong on the Tour de France – Armstrong's controversial proposal: – Helm-Nazi came after me


Lance Armstrong has long won the sport of cycling and won the Tour de France for seven consecutive years.

The American case from the top was hard and brutal and after admitting doping in 2013, its victories were removed from history.

Armstrong follows this year's Tour de France, bringing his opinions through the podcast The Move

Here, the former cyclist calls the riders to drop the helmet

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The Championship Tour of the year went through a series of brutal rockets, where they crossed several thousand meters of altitude.

Armstrong thinks that they wear needlessly a lot of their way

– Drop the helmet at the foot of the mountain. Nobody is going to be hurt, I promise, he says in The Move.

He thinks the athletes of today are alike, drawing the late Italian cyclist Marco Pantani as a contrast.

– If Marco Pantani had gone through all the stages with a helmet and glasses, he would not have been a guy who stood out. Sports must have personalities. When the only thing separating runners is the color of the costume, they look like robots. There will be no personality, according to Armstrong.

Order of Death

Until 2003, it was not mandatory for runners to use a helmet. But after the death of Andrej Kivilev in an accident, he was ordered for everyone. Since then, he was sometimes allowed to leave the helmet before climbing, but the fault was gradually blocked.

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Armstrong participated in both cycling eras – with and without Helmet – and thinks the chance of hurting is minimal.

– Cycling has been around for more than 100 years, and most of the time, it's cycling without a helmet. Show me a runner who fell 13 kilometers to the hour and was seriously injured, he challenged in the podcast.

A few days later, one of the favorite favorites was smoking.

– Come after me

Vincenzo Nibali climbed famous Alpe d'Huez, trying to follow a moron. He was close between motorcycles and spectators, and the cyclist went to the ground.

He was rushed to hospital where a fracture was detected in a vertebra. The Italian had to withdraw from the race because of the injury.

– There is a question of hearing, Armstrong starts before he continues:

– But do you think that a helmet had helped him? Hjelm-naziene came after me today, but I'm mad.

Armstrong's opinions on the use of headphones have caused more reactions in social media where people are in disagreement and disagreement

Team Skys Geraint Thomas leads the teammate ahead of the Tour de France, Chris Froome. Behind, they follow Tom Dumoulin (Team Sunweb).

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