Light noise connects to fewer cancer risks


This is by no means the first time we hear about light noise research and cancer. There have been dozens of studies to find out if artificial sweeteners can increase the risk of various cancers.

But the results of the study to Brendan Guercio and his colleagues suggest an unprecedented exploration opportunity: Maybe the fragile can protect against cancer? Or at least against relapses after a case of cancer

The researchers examined treated patients for intestinal cancer. And it turned out that those who drank more light brown were more likely to survive and stay safe from the disease, compared to those who drank less

But that does not necessarily mean that the artificial sweetener seems protective, according to Guerico et al. Questionnaire on Food

It is no wonder that the team of American and Canadian researchers has examined the effect of artificial sweeteners on intestinal cancer

. Several previous studies have suggested that sugary drinks can increase the risk of relapse. and death in patients. And one way to reduce the consumption of sugary drinks will obviously be to replace it with light brittle ones.

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Guerico and his colleagues discussed an existing medical study to find out more. The study tested the effect of a drug that would reduce the risk of relapse after the removal of an intestinal tumor

In this survey, participants completed questionnaires detailed on different parts of the lifestyle, such as diet and physical activity

. Thus, Gerico and co could investigate whether there was a correlation between the absorption of fragile light and how well patients managed to last.

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And it's like that. The results showed that those who drank more than one can of light brown per day had a significantly lower risk of relapse and death than participants who rarely drank light showers.

Researchers can not answer this question.

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On the other hand, we can not rule out other contexts. It is possible, for example, that people who drink a lot of fragile light get less aggressive tumors, speculate the researchers. Or typical soft drinkers have other lifestyle features that seem protective.

Guerico and his colleagues did a lot of calculations to rule out the effects of other factors, such as weight and degree of physical activity. But there is always some possibility that something has been neglected.

The researchers point out that more studies are needed. Both to confirm that brittle fragile is really linked to a lower risk of illness and death, and to discover how this can happen.


Brendan J. Guercio, m. fl., Artificially sweetened beverage intake associations with recurrence of disease and mortality in stage III colon cancer: Results of CALGB 89803 (Alliance), PLoS ONE, July 2018.

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