Linus (13) Honored to Save the Age of 14 – NRK Østlandssendingen – Local News, TV and Radio


Linus Morønning, 13, was in Lutvann on June 27 with her younger brother Lukas, her grandmother and aunt when they saw two people in a boat on the water at around 7:30 pm. Unbeknownst to them, a 14 year old boy had disappeared under the water.

Shortly after, two panicked women came to Linus and the family. It was clear that they needed help

– Then I just took my shirt and swam in the water, "says Linus.

He swam and dived with others in search of the missing boy.Linus suggested that they look in the crater in a small bay.Then they found the boy.

– We l & # 39; 39, we got up on the rock here too, we started guiding the heart and lungs.There was a lot of water coming in. Then came the police, tells the 13-year-old boy [19659006] Linus and Lukas Morønning in Lutvann ” title=”Foto: Synne Fjellberg Hetland / NRK”/>

Linus and little brother Lukas standing on the rock where the 14-year-old boy was stopped by the water

Photo: Synne Fjellberg Hetland / NRK

Hospital : – Helping save the life

2. June, the hospital's message about the 14-year-old boy was out of danger.This may not have been the case without Linus and the others at Lutvann [19659002] – The feedback from the hospital experience is that first aid that was put in place early on helped the boy, according to police officer Stian Jensen. Heir to the Oslo Police District, one of the first who arrived in Lutvann for emergency services.

  Stian Jensen Heir

The police officer Stian Jensen Heir was one of the first to arrive emergency services. He praises the efforts of Linus and other bathers on the spot

Knut Eriksen ” title=”Foto: Synne Fjellberg Hetland / NRK”/>

Knut Eriksen, head of the Eastern Region in Redningsselskapet, thinks that the management of the heart and lungs should become mandatory

– Linus was shown for the efforts of the Rescue Company, with the graduation, lifejacket and T-shirt at Lysaker.

– Linus showed the heroism that he himself took responsibility, jumped to the water, plunged and helped to discover and actually helped to save a life, "said Erik Knutsen, head of the Eastern Region in the Rescue Company

who arrived at Lutvann. Heir says that the weather that has been in the east of Norway has recently attracted many people to places like Lutvann.

– Many are unfortunately not swimmers. Then we recommend investing in a polar vest. ” title=”Foto: Synne Fjellberg Hetland / NRK”/>

Linus and Lukas Morønning ” title=”Foto: Synne Fjellberg Hetland / NRK”/>

Linus and little brother Lukas (left) were back in Lutvann today.

Photo: Synne Fjellberg Hetland / NRK

– This is a cheap life insurance. Everyone should learn the heart and lungs

Linus thinks it was good that his efforts were noticed.

– I think it's cool and a little surprising. I became very happy when I graduated!

At Lysaker's Rescue Company, Linus also received training in cardiovascular and pulmonary guidance from the company's instructors

– it was more difficult than I thought. I'm glad I had it, so I know what to do if I find myself in a new situation where something is going on.

Do you think others should also learn it?

– Yes, it is very smart to learn that way.

  Linus Morønning tries first aid

Today, Linus and his younger brother had the chance to lead the heart and lungs with instructors from the Lysaker Rescue Company.

Photo: Synne Fjellberg Hetland / NRK

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Location The Lutvann is located in Østmarka, Oslo, very close to Haugerud. 19659038] was required = {paths: {jquery: "common / bower / jquery / dist / jquery.min", asynchronous: "common / js / lib / conditions / plugins / async / async", the signals: "common / js / lib / signals "couple" / common js / lib / couple / couple "unispring" / common js / lib / scores / unispring "comScore" comscore.min "text : "common / charmille / requirejs-text / text" facebook: "//"",instagram:"//, twitter: "// platform / widgets ", Pusher:" // usher.min "}, {shim Tinycon: {EXPORT" Tinycon "} Pusher: {EXPORT" Pusher "}, JSON: { EXPORT "JSON"}, vkbeautify: {EXPORT "vkbeautify"}, facebook {EXPORT "FB"}, unispring: {EXPORT "unispring"}} wait seconds: 15, map: {"*": {PubSub "defaults to line: / common js / lib / PubSub "," Serum .Pubsub ":" online standard: / common js / lib / Serum.Pubsub "" Serum.Plugin ":" standard in a row : Type / plugin / Serum.Plugin "" Serum.Profile ":" Online Standard! : / common js / lib / Serum.Profile "" Serum.Asset.Img ":" online standard: common / module / active / Serum.Asset.Img "" Serum.Date ":" online standard: common / module /date/Serum.Date","Serum.ScrollTrigger":"inline!standard:common/js/lib/Serum.ScrollTrigger "}}};
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