Lost five times in one year:


The lyricist and artist Philip Boardman (36 years old), better known as Admiral P, wears sunglasses and looks over the water.

– Can I have them on me while we watch movies? he asks.

Sunglasses, caps and jewelry are an integral part of the reggae king's daily uniform. The casual style is in good shape for Boardman's personality

– This summer I'm going to rest and spend time with my family and work a little in the garden. For the first time, I planted cucumbers and tomatoes. I became a farmer!

# 2throat: See all interview with Admiral P at the top of the case

Lost three friends and two cousins ​​

Lost three friends and two cousins ​​

Despite the good mood;

Admiral P (36)

Plans this summer: Rest and spend time with your family and work a bit in the garden.

Favorite ice cream: Royal triple

Best memory of summer: When I moved to Norway, I was a lot of a friend. We used to sneak in and sleep in Bygdøy

– I went through a very depressed and difficult time. I have lost some family members and some friends in Zambia, said Boardman, who grew up in an African country with a Norwegian father and a Zambian mother.

In one year, Boardman lost two cousins ​​and three friends.

– There is nothing you can do, it's only the time that can be the medicine. You just have to try to have good memories and make the most of it, "he said.

Used music as therapy

Let's just go out" So Sweet ", that's it "Difficult year." Because behind the merry tones of summer, it's a more serious message.

  EXPERIENCE: Philip Boardman knows how to better stand in front of a giant, inflatable unicorn. Alexander Klanderud / TV 2
EXPERIENCE: Philip Boardman knows how to stand in front of a giant inflatable unicorn Photo: Alexander Klanderud / TV 2

– He explains how music can help a person. helped, says Boardman.

Through the writing, he regained the memories he has with them that he lost, says the reggae artist.

– I felt the only thing I could rest on and all I could relate to, was music, so this song is arrival, he says.

– I heard a lot of music with those that I lost. It helped me a lot and it was the only thing I could do. It was a little therapy for me this song, he continues

Refusing to learn Norwegian

Only at the age of 13, Admiral P moves away from Zambia to Norway with the family. He did not know anyone and could not speak. The reason the family chose to move was because the 36-year-old father was seriously mad and needed treatment in Norway.

– It was very different and we were torn from our daily lives. It was a completely different culture to which we arrived and of a different season, as we learned in the winter.

By all new impressions, Philip, then 13, thought it was difficult to new language

– I was too embarrassed to make me fall and like that. But see how I write now: I'm not good at Norwegian yet, but I still sing, he says.

Today, the Norwegian-African accent has become the Admiral Ps, perhaps the most well-known brand as an artist. was "surrounded" by many hip hop artists who jumped into Norwegian. They challenge me in the sense of trying to sing in Norwegian.

  Summer series # 2hjørningen

Summer series # 2hjørningen

  • This summer we bring different celebrities up to our gigantic inflatable unicorn for to discuss in summer and the summer. year until now.
  • See and read all interviews on TV2.no in July

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