"Love Island" – Complaint Against Reality TV: – Emotional Abuse


Ofcom, the British authority for regulation and competition for the communications industry (similar to the media authority), received more than 650 complaints after an episode of the l & # 39; reality show "Love Island", reports The Guardian. The program is accused of exposing Dani Dyer to unnecessary pressure when they showed him a deceptive video.

The video showed Jack Fincham, Dyer's partner in the popular dating show, with his echoes, a new participant in the program.

Dyer burst into tears when she watched the video and said:

I always happen, once I'm happy with someone, something happens. I am not allowed to be happy.

In addition, she said that she was convinced that Fincham had feelings for the new participant.

– I knew it was too good to be true she was crying.

Dyer is a daughter of actor Danny Dyer, known for example from the 1999 human circulation, and as a vocal actor in the highly popular games "The Grand Theft Auto" [19659009] EXCELLENT MANAGER: Mike Thalassitis from Margate FC suddenly appeared on the TV show Love Island in Majorca, without talking to coaches or teammates. Here is the trailer of the series. Video: ITV2
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The video, on the other hand, did not show that Fincham was loyal to Dryer and slept to avoid sharing a bed with one of the new program participants. He also stated that he was very in love with her.

The original participants of the program were separated to welcome new participants – including the Fincham Eagles – and the couple now live in each villa.

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Ofcom states that the complaints relate to the fact that the manufacturer's decision to show the video of the dryer without explanatory context has caused a unnecessary tension to the participant.

– 650 complaints were filed regarding the Love Island episode

– We are now reviewing these complaints against our broadcasting rules before we can begin an investigation.

The programmer Caroline Flack, however, defends the decision

– We did it to test the relationship. That's what we do here, according to The Independent, "she told Aftersun, a program where program officials and participants discuss the" Love Island "episode of today. # 39; hui.

– Mobbing

Actress Luisa Omielan to social media after the controversial episode

– It's about intimidation and emotional abuse, she writes according to Sky News on Twitter

Several viewers also expressed their reaction. Aine O 'Donnell is one of them

– I really loved Love Island, and I almost forgot how much reality TV Poisoned and manipulative is really, she has twisted her private account.

– But this waterfall was so speculative that I do not know if I can continue watching a program [19659004] Sky News also reports that the program has already been criticized for posting explicit advertisements for cosmetic surgery during breaks.

In June, it became known that Tone Damli Aaberge will be the program director for the Norwegian version of the program, which will be on TV3. According to her, this will differ somewhat from the original British

– This is not a scandalous reality program, she told Dagbladet in an interview.

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